
never open brown/blue chests unless you have to

That is the oldest high school kid I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen plenty of 16 year olds with 25 year old faces.

cash the white house senior staffers using private rnc emails, howbow dah?

Lots of games that came out for both SNES and Genesis were completely different; they weren’t ports of each other.

Genesis version was better

Ugly puppet/flash animation style graphics, big heads, looks like a ****ing mobile game. No.

Multiple people on message boards are agreeing that it is nowhere near worth $60 and having the DLC being paid, given the lack of replayability of the main campaign, is even more insulting, even by Capcom standards. No buy until it’s $25.

He’s clearly not white. Get glasses

That is clearly a POC actor named Amir Talai, as in Iranian-American. Stop spreading your dumb shit accusations

Just so you know, you can support both at the same time.

What say you, cheerleaders?

White people just get startled and step back, or nervously laugh. If horror movies were more realistic, the white people would die first.

It’s the complete opposite of rushed. Arcade version has been out for two years. No real point in delaying it this long.

Black people run away from scary things or amazing things. Zombie pops out? Run. Hear an explosion? Run. Witness a really amazing magic trick? Run.

He took a page from the Middle-Aged Lesbian Fashion Handbook lol

Shut up Johnny.

even if you know the things that you’re asked about, recalling them on the spot is hard.

They’re either in debt or doing illegal shit