
Some of the most brilliant doctors out there have no clue how to do the simplest of things on a computer. Look at it that way.

can you turn cucumbers into pickles?

1. porn

Legend has it that his paunch is just one giant tumor-filled ballsack.

There’s a high correlation between dickheadedness and the fobbiness of the hair

Dax Shepard is a little too excited for the sticky icky

nostrils are too big

When you throw up, clean up, and continue the night as normal

Murder House was frustrating and stupid. Coven is best overall. Beginning of Asylum is frustrating but the ending episodes make up for it.

“Bippity boppity, here is a my floppity!”

“deeply saddened” means “annoyed you’re stirring up shit and now we have to do damage control”

i hear they make larger sizes for taller people

clementines are oranges, remasters are exactly the same as remakes, hoverboards don’t hover and have two wheels. see how dumb those sound?

It’s for his brain damaged mouth breathing supporters who can’t understand words that are 3 syllables or longer so he has to resort to gestures that a toddler can understand.

Initial leak:

TLoU Remastered has a 30 fps option which I’ve highly enjoyed. Cutscenes in 60 fps highlight the flaws in mocap since it looks jerky, with movements that are sped up/shifted for a split second, corrected for a few seconds then repeat.

You should watch a movie in 60 fps and come back and tell me that it doesn’t bother you in the slightest.

Videogame cutscenes should always be 24/30 fps. 60 fps gameplay only makes sense for action/fighting games. Even then, immersion is broken with certain games.

Cherrypicking screenshots is really providing ‘evidence’