You put words in my mouth and tried to retell me something I already knew and made no allusion to not knowing.
You put words in my mouth and tried to retell me something I already knew and made no allusion to not knowing.
Some people say this season is getting better, but I don't see it. It's still depressing to watch. Some scenes are just difficult and sometimes downright embarrassing to sit through.
I never said they developed or created it, you condescending jerkface.
Why do you assume I don't have a hand in game development?
This is the first post you've ever written with which I fully agree.
We'll just have to punish you.
As much as I love this, I'm not sure it was wise to post here.
It caused a lot of grief for me one night, trying to have a movie night with my new Xbox (as I had no other DVD player as a young lad), buying a bunch of new movies and setting up for my amigos, only to find out when I put the movie in the tray that I was being forced into buying an extra peripheral just to do…
A soft G in English is like a J sound, as in gem, gender, germ, or German.
Shenmue created the quick trigger events.
Why would one pronounce a hard g (as in gay, game, Gannondorf, gift, get) as a K?
She didn't start annoying me util I was well into my teens.
Why would one pronounce a u sound as a double e?
Nah bro he IS the fedora.
What if he is a well-known Japanese fedora?
I kinda like Disgaea. Never could get into Persona or whatever else.
While I am an Xbox fan and consider the 360 my main console, I love Nintendo and most first-party Sony joints. I also enjoy some JRPGs. I don't like manga or anime, but I don't delineate them as children's things (especially not some of the stuff I've seen), it's just a medium that isn't for me.
While there are tons of Japanese games I enjoy, many are very stuck in the past and feel chunky and not very user-friendly, while it feels like Western games focus more on viscerality and ease of control. While this may not have everything to do with the amount of fun to be had whilst playing, I can definitely see how…
I don't say it's the best game ever, but it's definitely the best Zelda in my opinion. Of course, if you don't like Zelda games, you aren't going to like Ocarina.