
I was thinking the same thing, but looking at the comments, looks like people really do act this way.

It's not being sensitive, it's asking for civility. I don't put up with dicks in any venue.

Thanks for the input. Don't be a dick to me.

On mobile I sure would.

The thing about Steam achievements though is that I don't care about them.

Dear Tim:

Is this going to end in the Chinese calling this game racist, either for Americans killing Chinese or it being a Japanese game about killing Chinese citizens? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember a bit of jingoism between China and Japan.

Did you play the game alone? It seems everyone who played through with a friend either likes or is indifferent to Sheva. I really like her. I don't get everyone's problem with her.

Not to mention, kind of a stone cold fox.

Majini in RE5.

Go enjoy Left 4 Dead. Resident Evil controls like it does because it's Resident Evil. I don't want just another shooter, thanks.

Compared to say, the Banjo games, it was definitely on the short side. Besides PDZ, Rare games usually have many, many hours of gameplay attached.

I disagree. I feel the only games Rare have made in recent memory that aren't really Rare are Grabbed by the Ghoulies and the Kinect Sports games.

Yeah, and that person is you.

Haha, Dong men.


Nah, the guy gave up and faked his death.

Of course, technology moves fast, especially in computer graphics. I'm just saying that modders, while extremely talented for presumed hobbyists, don't surpass most industry specialists in terms of skill, but rather those working on consoles are held back by the consoles' constraints.

If the game were on next-gen consoles or PC-exclusive, I'm sure GTAV would look just as hot as the finest mods allow.

I prefer the acting, cadence, and delivery of the new voices, but the lipsync is off with them. Also, I don't feel like James' voice should be that deep. Meh, I'll probably keep them on. I really appreciate that there's a choice, though.