Barry is not one of the best running backs of all time. He is THE best running back of all time!
Barry is not one of the best running backs of all time. He is THE best running back of all time!
Ahh, so the Polyaimorous and Wedding Invitation might end up farmable after all. Super hopes.
Alternate Headline:
This is frankly the RIGHT opinion.
not fighting you :) controller user myself :D
I completely agree. I’d replay on PC if they added controller support.
For that and for being able to play offline it was the best version
I’m glad they are allowing controller support, Diablo 3 was way better on consoles because of it. Fight me!
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
* looks at Gritty *
At least when these Family First Senators and Reps have their gay affair (cause you know they will), the other party isn’t getting pregnant.
People kept asking me last year why I was volunteering so much time to help re-elect our one moderate Dem senator (he ended up losing his seat to a repug). This is why:
Over-under on how many of these fine statesmen (or, more often, their wives) have smuggled a daughter into the clinic under cover of darkness? I’m going with 8000%.
Its like they never saw Pulp Fiction. “SAY WHAT ONE MORE GOT-DAMN TIME..”
I’m always amazed when, in situations like this, someone is told to “say that one more time, i dare you” and then, when that person inevitably says that thing, is so shocked after they get busted in the face.
I have a thing for manual variants of cars that we tend to see only with autos. Like my ‘94 ZJ, or these minivans, or a Ford Aerostar, or a Saturn Vue, or, heck, a Ford Escape.
You’re in a place that’s known for its wonderful manual diesel wagons (BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc) and yet you’re still looking at FCA products? You truly are a Michigan man, through and through.
I myself had my first car, my beloved 1992 Jeep Cherokee, totaled by someone without insurance. It sucks! But regulations won’t stop folks from breaking the law.
And just look at the stuff I see driving on local roads; it’s bad!
When I hang out with German car enthusiasts over there and see the stuff they have to deal…