
Those people that have only experienced the Wii bring tears to my eyes...

People actually believe Nintendo would do well selling software alone. People did not learn from what happened to Sega.

Give the copy to a buddy that will ACTUALLY enjoy it... like me :D

I'm missing 17 cents and will have to buy a Wii U card from another country just to be able to play it.

Wait, I'm a virgin for reading your post?

... I need to tell my gf to read it too right now.

I think thats actually a koopa troopa.

I'm not buying an XBone till I have played all games in my 360 library.

I may very well be buying one around 2015.

¿Like a PS2 game?

People don't remember how Perfect Dark Zero looked like...

That is precisely what Ninty is saying.

You can play it in a browser, no installation required.

Youtube actually placed this... for a while.

FarCry 2.

If he was fired inmediately it's entirely possible real CP was found.

Depending on the context. Here it wasn't funny. It was HILARIOUS.

- Say WarZ is as crappy as DayZ.
- Give halfassed attempts at comparison between WarZ and DayZ.
- Don't wonder why people don't agree with you.
- Call that lack of agreement "hate" for WarZ that seems to stem from nowhere.

Gentlemen, this is how you troll.

Man, seven years after the Wii was released and people still use the hardware card.

Duke is ready to kick ass and get money, and he's all out of money.

He never said the game wasn't enjoyable. He wondered, as all of us, how a game that was so critically panned could have made any profit at all.

There was a time where everybody complained about Nintendo because they made videogames thinking they were making toys (hence, Nintendo being for kids).

In hindsight, that's the best part of them all.

Concept art from the first one seems to disagree... though it may just be the angle.

Michael Bay dialing down explosions?