
Nah. I’m admitting to cringing when I see shitty journalism. IDGAF if random people don’t make good words good. But if you’re a journalist, journalisting as a journaler, write more gooder.

What about that one app that amounts to “hey medical people, here’s some weird shit”... Everyone on that should be fired pretty right quick.

Having a master’s degree in journalism and hearing all my professors that would completely shit on my writing if I were to try and publish this is what hurt my sensibility.

I took nothing away from this article except the shocking and amazing idea that there’s an Abortion Federation. Like some sort of Star Trek government group flying through space giving aliens abortions after Captain Kirk fucks them.

I am so confused as to what that symbol is.

With at least 3 different sentences of 80+ words. Yikes.

I’m just here waiting for the guy always yells at Billy.

This just makes me want to go back and watch the episode of Roseanne where DJ gets boners.

Next debate needs to be moderated by Steve Wilkos.

So you’re saying Mou should be the next USMNT head man? The pressers would at least be super interesting.

Can someone ELI5 what the loss of these will do on a larger scale? I know there are ramifications past “we just lost this huge living thing”... Sort of the butterfly effect explanation?

“Excuse me sir, where’s the nearest donut shop?”

Because it was edited later, after my comment.

First name should be included in the first mention. Had to go to the third graf to figure out Dimry’s first name.

In the squat rack.

I just posted the super-long story elsewhere on this post, but when my wife and i got married, she ended up changing her last name (which was hard to spell, hard to pronounce, and at her place of work was known as her dad’s name, she was always “Such and such’s daughter”) to mine, and I changed my middle name to the

Late to the game on this, so this’ll probably get buried, but figured I’d share anyway. For purposes of this story, I’m Joey Jimmy Cheeseburger, marrying Jessica Jennifer Rutabaga.

I think A-Rod would be willing to retire right now under the condition that the youngest male Steinbrenner child follow him around feeding him popcorn 24-7.

You try your best to think of a joke about him going down on his wife, then give up and eat a 2-dollar “World’s Finest” chocolate bar from the work kitchen

TIL there’s a mute button.