
I think this rigthwinger at RedState dispels your attempted stance on the flag fairly well:

I guess you missed the part about the Northern states not enforcing that big bad federal government “Fugitive Slave Act” that the Southern states insisted in (“crammed down their throats,” in your Tea Party vernacular.) In other words, they were fine with “big government” when it benefited them, but hated it when it

“and the war was about taxes and tarrifs”

“...the war was about taxes and tarrifs, but that’s completely beside the point.”

“With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place.” -VP of Confederacy

One mention of taxes and it was in regards to slavery.

It did not stand for slavery, and the war was about taxes and tarrifs, but that’s completely beside the point.

oh, so the square version is perfectly ok. i get it now. the square one doesn’t symbolize institutional racism and slavery, it’s only the rectangular one that does. conversations like this would be so much easier if they only had you around to clear up this little detail. we could have avoided all of the confusion and

forget racism, the flag is an absolute sign of treason... I'm pretty sure in Germany you don't see them waving the Nazi symbol around as part of their history they are proud of... And yet for whatever reason those in the South feel as though they need to support their ancestors who did nothing but try and exploit and

When I worked retail we had stuff on racks with pegboard and ‘pegs’, both the regular metal type and the safety style with a steel rod and a plastic board hook.

My brother and I like to share messed up Gawker media posts and I almost sent him this one but then I thought EWWWW!!!!!