
Insert the “People are still playing Destiny?” comments.

Effectively, any engram will give you green. Blue engrams will give you green or blue. Purple will give you green, blue, or purple (or special items). The loot doesn't work like Diablo, which is how many people keep trying to play it—and it's why people are having a hard time grokking what's going on.

I hope someone mods it into a good game.

He won against the odds as he was running out of time to finish the dungeon as it's a time trial of monster killing, he murdered a boss from the end of the dungeon and got a lot of loot.

That doesn't make it art. That just makes it minimalist or abstract. Good art can shove things down your throat and make you feel exactly how the artist wants you to feel.

ps4 gets a better tomb raider, its called uncharted lol

I'm stumped that people in the comments are offering up FFVIII as a good combat system. It sounds great in theory, drawing magic having to use it sparingly or just draw a bunch or use it right from the enemy. Cool!

Totally gonna do that. I don't care much for the magic and summon systems so I'd rather just blast through for the story just to have seen it all at least once. I got it when it came out and it could just never hold my attention