"Steve Meretzky's output (esp. Planetfall, Stationfall, and A Mind Forever Voyaging) is pretty uniformly great."
"Steve Meretzky's output (esp. Planetfall, Stationfall, and A Mind Forever Voyaging) is pretty uniformly great."
I loved the Zork series and its spin-offs—the Enchanter series, even Wishbringer. My favorite was Beyond Zork though, because of its RPG-ish elements: there were stats, and best of all, an ascii map automatically appeared to track where you've been. Good times.
"The one female character on Big Bang Theory who hasn't gotten a chance to really shine yet is Priya, Raj's sister and Leonard's on-again, off-again love interest." I hope we rarely see her again; I didn't like her role last season, as she was something of a bitch.
I don't understand the need for touch pad analog controls—why can't you just touch the katamari directly with your finger to roll it around? Or does it have this option?
I LOL'd at the "BEAUTIFY" Crafted Tables.
Why didn't they demo this during their conference and announce the games that would use it? It was a missed opportunity on their part...or maybe they're really ashamed of this thing?
I voted for the iconic masterpieces that are the Mission: Impossible, X-Files, and Star Trek original themes. But none can hold a candle to the groovy UFO theme—one of my favorite TV series of all time.
Maybe they're going to reveal that Artoo has some kind of intangibility generator that's destroyed when he goes into that cave, thus not being able to get out? Nothing surprises me anymore with all this tampering shit.
"Level-5's decision to pretty much skip TGS will be a gapping hole for the show."
Looking at that Fringe poster, I just realized that we've seen both versions of those people in the two universes... except for Nina. Where is the Nina in the "over there" universe, and does she even exist in that universe?
I don't get it either. That is definitely Lee Majors as Col. Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man. The first time I saw the image, I thought the phones cost that much.
Looks nice, but that building won't offer much protection during the zombie apocalypse.
Awww, Dante is just adorable....now I can't feel bad anymore after seeing those pics, my day is made.
Nintendo Floppy Boy + Pokemon Red / Blue Disks = Best. Concept. Ever.
Nope, she's still with the X-Men, and it's rumored she becomes the leader of Utopia after the events in X-Men: Schism
Awww, no Dinobot from Beast Wars?
It would've been better if you could create your own character, and not play as those 3 lame-ass poseurs. And why does Emma look like she spent too much time in one of those tanning beds?
Here's one I did in honor of one of my favorite games of all time, and the game that set me on the RPG path, Atari's Adventure—good times indeed.
I don't see anything wrong with this, considering simple body-movement controls captured by a camera was actually a feature of the EyeToy, a PS2 add-on.
Dear God... I can't unsee those horrifying shoulder pads and pouches.