
"employment cubicle" is somehow a much sadder term than just "cubicle"

It does - it works for me with GroupMe.

That's why I'm making video game apps on the side to one day make money on my own and quit my dam office drone cubicle job.

I've been stuck in a job I hated twice. Both times, I couldn't move because my ex was out of work, and I couldn't take the risk of moving somewhere where the job might not have been as stable. I was utterly miserable. It was the kind of misery that would wake me up in the middle of the night, filled with the urge to

THANK YOU for making desktop PC's number 1. That was a pleasant surprise. Buying a laptop, even a Windows one, is like buying a Mac. You can't change much inside (if anything), so you have to buy out your nose for what you think you might need because you can't upgrade anything. Why do I need to pay thousands of

Not fancy, no shmancy sound isolation but for powerful, full range magic, low, mid and highs, NOTHING beats the old school Koss Portapros, like $35-40 on sale. Make sure you get authentic not the Chinese knockoffs though.

Not fancy, no shmancy sound isolation but for powerful, full range magic, low, mid and highs, NOTHING beats the old

Wait, I'm sorry...what? This article should be changed to "It's not expensive to own a Supercar if you can afford 2 other heavily modded cars, a Cadillac, and can finance a 4th car worth as much as many people's first house."

So an eldery gentleman with dementia who is also recovering from a stroke and apparently some other "numerous health issues" is "not the type of person who is in the right frame of mind to make an auto purchase"

Hey, free boxing gloves with car purchase!

If you haven't yet downloaded GTA: San Andreas from Amazon, they're still giving away $20 in coins with your purchase, so you could use your $10 credit to buy the game, and end up with $23 and six new apps in your pocket without spending a penny. [$10 in Free Amazon Coins]

My technique is that I have two accounts. One account is for business, and the other for pleasure. It comes out of my wife and I merging finances when we got married. We each kept our accounts and created a joint account. Now, we each get a fixed amount into our separate accounts each paycheck. If you spend out of the

Well done - I'd rather sleep on the floor, but to each his own.

No matter how polite and pleasant the conversation spanish always sounds like a racket to me.

I think the dangerous thing here is that to the uninitiated, you could end up doing something illegal and get slapped for it. Most people looking for copyrighted torrents know what they're doing when they hit up thepiratebay, for example. Some may take certain steps to mask their IPs (known MPAA/RIAA blocklist, only

Indeed. I installed it yesterday, uploaded the installer here.

Also, be sure to check with the local government(s) where you are looking - some of them offer financial assistance to first-time home buyers (sometimes eligibility is based on income, sometimes not). When we bought our first place back in '03, we got $13,500 towards our down payment (and and additional $1500 for


Something like 95% of all jury trials last 3 days or less. The nightmare of being sequestered for 6 months on a trial like the OJ trial is frankly less of a possibility than being struck by lightning (and if you end up on that type of trial you will likely benefit by being able to write a book about your experience).

Alanis Morisette spent her childhood very much driven to be a singer, to be a star, to be famous. She was out giving concerts in shopping malls and working on television shows when she was, like, thirteen years old.