
Hyper Race will not work on the iPhone 6 plus. You can’t select tracks to continue to start the game. A few review comments state the same problem as far back as 2014, so not hopeful for this to be updated any time soon.

Hyper Race will not work on the iPhone 6 plus. You can’t select tracks to continue to start the game. A few review

Hopefully LEDs?

I used to live next door (when were in a rental house) to a family of 10-12 people - no one worked as they were all at home all day, except for the 4-5 younger kids in school. Parents were retired, and all the older kids (in their 30’s) all lived at home still.

Reminds me of a bathroom shower dispenser.

That’s why I gave up the 3 kids DS’s and got them all a iPod Touch, then upgraded to iPad Mini’s after that. I simply refused to buy 2-3 copies of each cartridge game as they all want to play the same games.

I was thinking some sort of sun-clock dial from the mast.

Waiting for the Apple Live Photo references.....

That case looks pretty good actually. I ordered a new screen for my 6yr olds Mini, and i wanted to get an Otterbox for it - may look at this one.

Hover hand.

Looks like a poor confused Mac.

After my kid dropped my iPad Mini one too many times, I might try a cheaper (cost wise) Android or Kindle Fire tablet.

What about this Amazon Underground App store I see? What’s the catch?

But can I still use my $50 stand?

Maybe simple black and white printing would have saved some cash over a full color headshot......

Great idea, but does she need to put her photo on every box?

It’s all the carrier/manufacturer with their hands in the build process that just drags this mess out.

I think these 2 are related.

My first thought as well.

It’s wonderful that he has “plans for it” - but I don’t see him strapping 2-3 months of work to a cheap foamy and taking it for a flight after not flying for years.