
I still have a Lego Indiana Jones Nintendo DS Game cartridge in a drawer as Gamestop offered me .25c for it. But first, they wanted me to fill out a bunch of paperwork, and give my fingerprints. We got the kids iPods (and now iPads) to replace the DS units.

When we last moved, we had piles of discarded junk on the curb for the garbage man to pick up. One visit I'm pretty sure the guys flicked us off for creating so much work for them.

Most of my Metro system apps stopped working with 8.1.........sigh

Traxxas is cheaper at Tower Hobbies - shipped using coupon code on front page. 366.98

I might go in with good intentions, but end up leaving with a plastic folding table.

If you use the laptop in the same place on your desk (my work laptop never moves) you can use a wireless keyboard and mouse, and really never touch the laptop at all. Makes me wish I had an employee purchase program for my previous one - it was mint when returned.

Laptop skins that you can get for under $20 on eBay are good to protect the wrist area as well as the back of the LCD.

Songsterr app on iTunes for iPhone/iPad is pretty interesting to go threw as well.

I must get a Groupon weekly for 2 different online Guitar lesson places for $18-19 a year.

Disney can just pull an Apple and either buy the rights or the company if they complain.

I look at it this way - If someone broke in and stole all your equipment, could you recover? A external back-up drive is worthless if someone takes it along with the main computer/laptop. Use Bitlocker or TrueCrypt to make the drive/computer useless to someone else. Enable the Laptop Hard drive/Bios Password.

We have 5 iPad Mini's in the house, all first generation. For the 3 kids migrating from iPods it was an easy choice. I know I would like a 2nd generation Mini for sure, that is why I absolutely refuse to try one in the store - ignorance is bliss.

I have slept in mine more than once on a overnight support call....

I typically buy our home office chairs from Staples on Black Friday. You can find a good chair for $50-100, and also buy the extended warranty For $10-12 more that covers the chair from anything (stains/tears/cuts/etc) for 3 years.

I see Ctrl + the wheel mouse confuse alot of people.

Sadly I think a majority of these will be purchased, and garaged.

So I can't buy direct from China, I have to shop at Wal-Mart?

I should of clarified it's more the home value/cost than the sf.

Here is a 6 speed gated key-chain so you can play at your desk or during meetings.