She's a cosplayer. They're like exhibits in museums: great to look at, but you can't touch them.
I put it up there with another stupid hobby of juvenile delinquents - dropping bricks off of overpasses onto oncoming cars. Most of the time nothing happens, once in a while you kill people.
Considering I have read countless stories of innocent people, even children, accidentally or deliberately shot and killed during swatting incidents gone bad, I can never and will never view "swatting" as anything other than attempted injury and harm from the culprits.
Its only a matter of time before someone is killed because of this.
I would pay good money to watch one of those assholes crying for his mommy when the judge gives him 20 years in federal prison.
All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.
When I see BS statements like "Every time I see a Field of View slider, I feel like developers don't care or respect the moving image." I basically write off the rest of what that person has to say.
The entire argument is based on a false premise. There is no "artistic debate." It's words they hide behind because they are developing for underpowered systems. If games like The Order 1886 were PC exclusives, then it would run at whatever the PC could output... i.e. 60fps on most monitors.
You're missing the point. I think that's what Gita is actually advocating for. She's saying not enough games take frame rates seriously enough. Whereas the conversation tends to be around 30/60/whatever is fastest, Gita's saying developers should figure out what's appropriate for the game they're designing and make…
Lemme save you some time...
I'm convinced this wouldn't be such a thing if the developers hadn't decided to put forts and things (including the barrow that you go into first thing in the main storyline) up on mountains that were nearly impossible to scale normally, and which had no obvious paths or entryways.
If I want Dark Souls, I'll go play it. If there's a continuum of games that involve dungeon-crawls, where Dark Souls or Diablo are a 10, I want something like a 6-7. I don't mind dungeon-crawls. I just don't want to spend 80% of my play time on it.
Dragon's Dogma was a nice blend of role play, overworld exploration,…
Maybe my own personal experience was terrible. Because it's a randomly generated dungeon, I literally beat the demo in under 3 minutes, mostly because my random dungeon was pathetically easy. When I finished, the booth girl looked at me like I won the lottery. She just said, "Are you giving up?" I said, "No. I beat…
That's interesting, because I played it at TGS as well, and thought it was pretty good, with a lot of promise.
I want them both. I need me some RPGs.
I played deep down at Tokyo Game Show in 2013, and it was pretty terrible then. Granted, that was over a year ago and obviously in an alpha stage, but nothing about the game felt very fresh or compelling.
I've waited a YEAR after console release. just because of bug bullshit. It really seems like 2014 was just a shitty year for games as far as quality control is concerned.
Very close. Need to see her going up a sheer cliff face before it'll truly capture the essence of horses in Skyrim.
This. This is dedication to the source material. Ewenae hasn't just built a damn fine set of Skyrim armour for…