it'll still be out before Half-life 3!
it'll still be out before Half-life 3!
People make some neat stuff, is what I'm saying. Can we get an entire Fallout album next?
You'll never look at Fallout 3's Wazer Wifle the same way again.
Screw it i say make em all as bi annual expansion releases at 10-15$ a pop. Fans can choose which experience they want to
You could have every single one of them in Blood Dragon 2, and no one would think it was too ridiculous. Hell, it wouldn't even be ridiculous enough for most of us.
Far Cry could be going in some strange directions, judging by a survey its creator recently sent out that Eurogamer got its…
So, I realize I am being a *TOTAL* nitpicky nerd here, but Grom's nose ring wouldn't "suck up the cold", because cold is simply a way for one to express a lack of heat. It'd be more accurate to say that the ring doesn't retain heat, or sheds heat too fast. (This is also why you can't "let the cold in" if you leave a…
you sir are correct!
Welcome to Kotaku's Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on…
I pushed for Jazzpunk, but otherwise the list is solid and good.
And now I regret not living in an Asian country that has faces on bills.
One of the many New Years' customs in Japan is the handing out of "Otoshidama" (お年玉) – something of a New Years'…
Subtlety is a dying art and I heartily endorse anyone attempting to preserve it.
Honestly, I've seen some more accurate (or at least my idea of accurate) Mad Moxxi cosplay, the pub seem outta place, and the boobs are of course the highlight of all this. What's with this idiosyncratic, ridiculous subtly of humans that we avoid mentioning the real deal here? boooooooooooooooobs. But still, a solid…
I've seen plenty of folks cosplay as Mad Moxxi, but none have pulled it off quite like Mono Abel has in this shoot.
Sexiest fictional alien race ever created.
Update: I snuck a look at the Asari on the ME Wiki and found this:
Joker poses the exact same question.
If there's a point you cease cosplaying as a character and start actually becoming them, Jen from Soylent Cosplay is…