
Here is my ultimate PS4! It is the Book Shelf Camo Edition...

Are you fucking kidding me? This is the normal speed video???! Okay, so he's guilty of a few poor lane changes and passing on the right. I don't see any flagrant speed or reckless driving present here, dude even stops for (most) red lights. Honestly this seems to be a safer pace then 75% of New York's traffic.

Why people hate car dealerships summed up in one sentence from my most recent car buying experience:
"I'll knock one percent off the interest rate if you buy the extended warranty."

So buying from the dealer (the middle man) means no middle man?????

I manage a credit union and a lot of our business is refinance of existing loans ... In just the last year I have seen an explosion dealer shenanigans recently I saw a deal where a 500 score customer got 8 % for 78 months on a 5 year old truck ..of course by the time you added $3k for ext service $1800.00 for

This is why no one likes them. Too many games and a total lack of transparency.

Mass Effect is basicaly my "dream series". I think the execution could have been better for all of the games. 2nd game is the most balanced out of the 3. It had good responsive combat and enough content and exploration, not to mention that really awesome last mission.

Just imagine all the shit a western dev would get for making breast physics the main point of their engine, and then thank god for japan

Your comment is basically raping human intellect.

Now playing

For people who didn't know DoA5 had a hidden breast setting beyond the DOA setting called OMG...

I absolutely adore Team Ninja for this. I feel they are some of the few fighting game developers going to extraordinary lengths to refine character body technology. Everything from sweat to wet clothing effects to bodily bounce and musculature, I feel they are doing some incredible things here.

Except that Darkstalker Kaathe says you're the descendent of Furtive Pygmy.

When I get a little fancy and don't slap bread and meat together, my sandwiches look a little like this: white bread, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, sliced green peppers, thinly sliced oven roasted turkey, a slice of Swiss cheese. Arrange the halves with veggies one half and meat and cheese on the other. I'll place the

There's no doubt that it can pull it. Remember the Toyota commercial with the Tundra pulling the space shuttle?

That's nothing. Every once in a while some retard tries to boost a steel coil off a flatbed using a pickup. Pro tip: 40,000 pounds is too much.

This is all well and good Ford, but uh..... How about bringing us at least a half ton Ranger? You know, for those who don't want to spend $40k on a truck who's capabilities they won't come near to ever using?