
All I have to say is, I’m playing this on Xbox1 and I made it to a pile of logs.. or a log spawning point.. out in the middle of no where.. and I can’t figure out how to load them onto my truck, so I just closed the game and gave up. I even tried looking up guides, and couldn’t find a damned thing. I played the

Well until this comes out you can play #Nioh?

... I fucking hate the loot systems in all modern games today. This “Roll the dice” bullshit.. that happens. And you may luck out? Or get desperate and spend money!

Micro Transactions are probably the reason that WarFrame still exist. I prefer them to any other system. At least its straight forward no semi gambling

*Sighs* Isn’t that the truth...


From what I’ve seen in regards to player counter.. like unique players daily.. Bungie is a little late to the party on changing anything worthwhile.

Automotive Manufacturing is like this as well.

You know, I like this Yoko Taro fellow, he’s an interesting character. Also liked Nier Automata... just wish its production values had been higher.

The Xbox1X definitely needs more offerings then what it has. That’s for sure. *goes to play #Nioh* I have an Xbox1.. but its got shit on it that really grabs me. I have like 11 physical ps4 games sitting behind me.. compare to a few xbox1 games. That makes me sad.. honestly.

You got that right!

So. . . I’ve never watched the sequel or the first.. is this the movie where some cat monster eats a kid? or do I totally have it wrong? because I avoided watching it all this time because this is what I thought.

“I teared up, and moments later, I drafted him back into my army to see what would happen. He’s my bodyguard now, but I’ve yet to call him into battle. I feel too guilty. For all the praise that this series has generated over ‘emergent experiences,’ nothing matches how this series of events made me feel.”

Oh wow,

Destiny 2 is really testing my patience with the “Were going to make you wait, because were bungie” stuff..

They have level caps, and so you can’t play when you can play.. you gotta do it on there damned schedule. And I don’t know if I have bad luck or what, but I get a lot of “Server” related issues pop up on me when

I feel the grinding is still in the game, its just in a different direction... like weapon attack power and armor defense, shaders since they are one time usage.

I’ve heard Bungie has put in literally level caps on armor and stuff you pick up in the game. So it forces you to slow down a bit?

Anyways, I’ve created an

It’s been forever since I’ve been to a library, and I never appreciated them when I was younger since it was always a pain in the ass to find new books and stuff that interested me.

Thank god for Amazon. It’s made reading a 10,000 times more accessible.

My concern still stands on the point I made. While it might be

Its been about a decade honestly. When I graduated from HS, I had a job, access to the internet and Amazon. A winning combo.

No I have not. Literally. Nope. Zero. I buy everything, or stream everything I’d want. Mainly Amazon though.

I’ve not eaten cereal in years, but I always liked Honey Comb... I see its not well respected.

You know.. looking at people talking about how long this thing takes.. makes me wish they had match making for this.. so I could team up with some randoms, yet people on the same time frame.. and give this a shot. On the weekend.

Bungies Reply is great until you stop to think about it... you know.. think about that color combo that you really like and how that.. its a game of get better armor, upgrade and lose your old armor, well for the most part unless you got some purple armor you love.. and then it turns into a grind fest to keep armor

That is really fricken sexy.