
You know, I would have probably lost my patience with the bug and its 50th trip across my screen, and probably did much worse than that. I live in the suburbs.. could probably get away with setting it on fire.

Best course of action since its an LCD monitor more than likely is just take the thing apart after you un plug

I had a crush on tracer initially.. then found out she was lesbian. BUT.. in regards to the whole “People act like such in such”.. a comment toward our ability to adapt. I believe there was a TED talk on this subject on how our brains can change quickly to adapt to a situation, good or bad. Look at smart phones for

Well by normal, if you mean “It really shouldn’t fly”... I agree with you. I currently work in Manufacturing, and it flys all the time! Were desperate for people, young and old alike, willing to work a few days without quitting.. because its such fast pace work. Management puts up with a bit of this and that to keep

Oh! That’s sharp looking.

That would be a good motivator.

I work for a Japanese manufacturer though, and they don’t have any “profit sharing deals”.. so uh, maybe this is a foreign concept to Japanese companies..

That is impressive.. and something else at the same time.. I don’t know what the something else is... just yet.

Been reading a lot of interesting comments. Thanks for sharing your story. Glad you climbed out of your “angry at the world” bit. .

Thanks for sharing your story!
(The rest that follows are just loose knee jerk thoughts on the whole ordeal)

You know... addiction, its something I always wonder about.. I think its real, but sometimes I believe we apply it to situations that it doesn’t really apply to.

“Some blame can be laid at the feet of

Not much makes me emotional anymore, because I’m a jaded bastard, but... seeing this propaganda does tear me up... I wish North Korea would just collapse in on itself and disappear...

You know, this may be my biased personal opinion after being a big fan of the 360, getting an xbox one and being disappointed in the UI, and controller..

I strongly feel the 360 controller had hit the sweet spot from a technical perspective and responsiveness. I feel that the home button/tabs on the xbox 360 worked

“I was stupid enough to sell them rights to the whole bunch,” Sapkowski told Eurogamer. “They offered me a percentage of their profits. I said, ‘No, there will be no profit at all - give me all my money right now! The whole amount.’ It was stupid. I was stupid enough to leave everything in their hands because I

“Which is all fine, but I still don’t like it. If I earn a flaming sword in a video game after five hours I want to use that flaming sword. If it’s going to break, I want it to break after some serious use, and when it breaks, I want to be able to repair it. “

Your piece about this topic, doesn’t seem nit picky to

You know what I wish? That Capcom would release a game like this for PC.. or console, but update the asthetics and combat mechanics. And it be multiplayer...

I bet the fans would eat that up.

I don’t even know if it would be worth it, EVEN IF you could bang it.

I mean its not like its a sex android or something...

All of the videos EXCEPT the bottom one was taken down from Copyright claims...

Jesus fucking christ I hate youtube now adays.. how am I suppose to explore the nooks and crannys of other cultures if every goddamned video is like “Oh copyright claim” “Oh this content is not available in you country” “Oh, ad naseum” “oh

I don’t recall the name of the first “Japanese Ero Game” I was a long time ago, but... all the multiple endings you could get and the little paths in game you had to take to get to certain characters.. it was pretty hardcore.

I guess they have to do something to hook “gamers”.

If you were really concerned about being “PC” when it came to character designs you probably wouldn’t go this route with the characters.

Thank god it was a bunch of Japanese designing it or there’s no telling what lame stuff we’d got.

I like it when a game adds in little elements.. it adds atmosphere, or severe frustration. In Nier Automata I love the little fishing game. It’s well done.

But if it started raining and lightning.. and my character had to strip to avoid becoming bbq.. well that’d be odd, because technically the lightning would

*Spoilers obviously*
It’s been awhile since I played the witcher and I never delved into the DLC... but the ending I got, was Ciri survived, and came back.. and became a witcher.
So that was pretty cool.
But in my world, I’ve not looked it up online, the elves got fucked over.. and I thought I had made good decisions

I wish I was as awesome as this man, at least in communication.
You asked some damned hard hitting questions and he was like *tock* *tock* *tock* And tht was the sound of home runs being hit. He knocked it right into the sun.

Also, kinda glad you did this article. I had stumbled across Fakku once or twice and always