
Except for her OF, any time she does something like this and I think “This is dumb and no one will buy this” I'm almost immediately proven wrong.

Its almost as if some people didn’t play the game.

Let’s be honest about something with a lot of the the comments here... A lot of people are excusing what he did because Major Corporation.

You ever see that episode of Family Guy where Peter learns what the word Pedantic means?

Okay, he *just* broke an NDA.

He uses his position and clout as a YouTuber to leak stories, illegally mind you, to make himself feel bigger.

Oh, big ol fat bowl of Yup 

And yet there’s no coverage of the Evil Dead game.

So I decided to do some digging.

I would argue that no one in this movie except for 2 people are a fit for their roles 

I’m almost the age Dre was when 3 came out, and I get it.

The fact that you absolutely missed the point...

You wanna know what bugs me about this entire comment section...

So it seems to me that whoever’s runs their socials fucked up and probably heard about it from higher ups.

I hope that the herbs who own it don’t run the whole thing into the ground.”

A monopoly on what exactly? 

My full name is much cooler than Copywrites. If I start streaming or I make it big being known as Copywrites, and I transition to something where my full name is kinda important then I’ll go by RealFirstName “Copywrites” RealLastName.

The last thing anyone needs is Gamers knowing their personal info.

Probably because his legal name has yet to be released.

Yes he did.