
The TVA isn’t bad, it’s just corrupted. The Timekeepers are gone, and the bureaucracy they set up is continuing on, unguided, and has since lost its purpose. Mobius will come around to see this.

Well we know that White Vision had a pretty serious crisis there when Vision explained the Ship of Theseus, and that WandaVision took place only 3 weeks after the Blip. There’s a good chance Vision is off contemplating things and would be focused on him for a bit as opposed to trying to help others. White Vision was

100%. It was the cost of a few new books every semester at the UC I went to. My wife worked there and had to pay monthly out of her check to be able to park in employee parking. It was a racket. 

But they didn’t die, they just never existed.

I agree, 2014Thanos is dead. Replacing the Power Stone simply fixed that offshoot timeline and dissolved it. 

It’s Kang’s glove.

When is Gamora

But that type of travel isn’t possible in the MCU based on the rules of time travel that have been established. Even in Agents of Shield everything after Season 4 was confirmed to be different timelines.

But according to The Ancient One, when the Power Stone was returned to its rightful place, that offshoot ceased to be.

But she said he was a man Cap had saved during the war, unless she was just lying to hide him from the news. 

We’ll have to see, but it wasn’t established that the only way to make an alternative timeline was to remove an Infinity Stone. The Ancient One warned that removing the Infinity Stone would make the branch more dangerous and darker and harder to defend from outside influence, but not that it was the only way to make

But that contradicts the rules of Time Travel set up and followed by the movie. Traveling to the past creates a new future for you, but does not change your past. If Steve traveled to his past and it changed it, that would violate the “Back to the Future is bullshit” rules established by the movie.

It better. If not, it will be completely unwatchable.

But once the Power Stone was placed back exactly where War Machine got it, that timeline ceased to exist. That’s the implication. The Ancient One told Bruce that if the Stones were removed from the timeline, branches would be created. Bruce said he’d bring them back and put it back at the moment it was taken, and The

It’s interesting that Loki is the only big one whose timeline remains affected. By taking the Tesseract, that timeline created a bunch of branching timelines.

I don’t believe I saw the spoiler warning at the beginning, I may have missed it.

WAY spoilers, fyi...

Mr. Whitbrook, you never disappoint. I always look forward to these.

Thank you, that is very kind. I almost forgot about Kevin Garcia, his posts were awesome and very insightful.

I am sad.