There’s the one decent thing to come out of that man, Damon Wayans Jr. He’s lovely and hilarious and was in my favorite canceled show, Happy Endings. He’s way funnier than his father ever was.
There’s the one decent thing to come out of that man, Damon Wayans Jr. He’s lovely and hilarious and was in my favorite canceled show, Happy Endings. He’s way funnier than his father ever was.
“But if you don’t play your cards right, we won’t marry you!”
Dude, that’s the definition of playing my cards right. Nobody wants to be married to any of those guys.
I always find it hilarious that “Men Going Their Own Way” think women are angry about that. We don’t fucking care. Go. Go away.
That and any dick thrown at them would be accepted with gratitude because they’re “ugly.” Such a shitbag.
That’s the part that got me too - “I wouldn’t fuck them, so Cosby probably didn’t either.” What. An. Asshole.
manners? what the fuck are you talking about? Did a Texan cut you off in traffic?
Oh I don’t know, while I give 0 fucks about the “scandal” itself watching Goddell get slapped down gives me a happy.
He used to as a baby:
That bear is easily cooler than 99.7% of people on earth.
Pool bear, Winnie the Pool bear!
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but summer is here, my friend. It is officially here.
is this a real thing? It's fucking fantastic!!
We carry sharp sticks, us knitters. These things ain't no joke. Do not cross us.
One of my babysitters stole our TV remote (why? were these expensive and rare items in the 80s? I dunno). I saw her putting it in her purse and ratted her out. When they called her to ask where the remote was, thinking maybe it was an innocent mistake, she told my parents she saw me throw it into the pond in our…
The worst thing my babysitter ever did was tell me she and her best friend were the girlfriends of Sean and David Cassidy. Yep, I believed it.
I know, right? "Thank god this 4-year-old white girl told us the true story. Otherwise we would have had to put this guy in jail with no evidence, no prior history of violence and no motive."
Cody Oakes, 25, an operations manager for J.P. Morgan, had been ready to walk out the door with a duffel bag in his hand to go to football practice. (He plays quarterback and wide receiver for the Bellingham Bulldogs, a semi-pro team.) He'd noticed heavily armed police in camouflage marching down the road.
Kids are basically proof that racism and homophobia are learned behaviors. You're not born with them.