
Yeah, no thanks hyperbolic headline. I thought that because I liked X-Men, that I might like the <b>X-Men</b> anime. No dice. Not sure why I would expect different results with the "If you like X-Men, you'll like (insert name here) anime" equation that you offer here.

I recognize that there's a large venn diagram

Didn't play this week due to life and lack of interest in Pokemon, but damn impressed by how hilarious all of these are without having any pokemon context.

Exactly. The controllers not being plugged in is the least of the subterfuge- These three don't actually have lower bodies anymore. The machine overlords removed them, replacing them with those little torture roller-cart dollies that we all used to play with in grade school. Makes it harder for the humans to run.

Agreed 100%, ff8 was when I basically stopped caring about JRPGs.

16 bit. MAYBE the Polygon, allowing for age-at-the-time being a factor in the 16 bit vote.

I'm kind of an asshole, though. And my assholishness often results in having bad days. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Even if I forgive myself for the assholishness due to the bad days, aren't I ultimately responsible for not breaking the cycle at some point once I become aware of its self defeating nature?


1. What does your age have to do with anything? I'm 30-something, does that mean I'm only 60% as entitled to an opinion as you are? Move over, baby boomer, millenials are here, old enough to start running the country, and are tired of your sense of entitlement.
2. You realize that this conversation was over two months

I'd like to see Dota adopt this. I hate being punished for refusing to tolerate being abused by other players, so a more carrot less stick approach would suit me well.


Like the devil, Monsanto's greatest trick has been convincing America's news media that they don't exist, so the public isn't as informed about them.

I got into Mugen years ago, and found that some fans had made a complete DC vs. Marvel game. I was GOOD. Thor was epic, and I SWEAR that marvel vs. cap 3 lifted half his moveset from the indie mugen fan game. Today... I can't find it anywhere. No doubt they were smited by lawers.

Hehehe sorry. Right before seeing your post I watched the IGN rewind theatre of the trailer to punish myself. I like Greg Miller, but 5 minutes on I THINK THAT'S CARNAGE! oversaturated me.

There is no mystery here. That is clearly Carnage.I guess I don't understand why all the game sites are phrasing this as conjecture.

No its not. I'm basing my statements on ACTIONS, not heritage. Racism is when you project assumption on to an entire group of people because of who they are. I'm placing judgement upon anyone who actively supports this specific thing.

Oh, just wait. I don't think that's quite accurate in the long run. The don't make games for it because of the economics, not because it isn't possible. Once there's a platform, though....


Booooooooo shark fin soup. F the garbage people who eat it. Shark numbers are dwindling because of the practice of shark finning... Where they catch the sharks, cut the fins off, and throw the living animal back in to die without fins.

Just wait. Someday Michael Bay will make both a Street Sharks and a SWAT Kats movies and they will be HORRIBLE.