
There's two seconds of Jean Gray in there that need to be a GIF by two seconds ago. Deliver this GIF to me.

You can't april fools me, British. I'm in pacific time and I won't believe that garbage for another two hours, and probably a whole 'nother day after that just to be safe.

Warning: Lost spoilers.

APRIL FOOLS! Few people bought Thief. Of those people, nobody is still playing Thief.

Right, but how is it shitstorm inducing? Do nintendo fans not know that their systems are SIGNIFICANTLY less powerful than the competition? (Not knocking Nintendo at all, I went all-pc halfway through last gen due to growing up and needing a video crunching machine for work that just happened to be capable of crushing

I'm... Super confused as to why this was mean. The system is qantifiably less powerful than its competators. It's not like this is some secret that Nintendo has been trying to hide, or that they WANT to be more powerful but just can't get there nomatter how hard they try.... It's that they made a design choice.

Okay. Francis is a fucking genius.

Ummm, excuse me? It was so botched that Squenix took it off the market after a few months (pulled servers, everything) and put it back in development for a year.

I'm still convinced that the botched release of the last FF MMO was a giant troll.

One of these years. One of these years Valve is going to announce HL3 for realsies, on April 1rst. Nobody will take them seriously until four or five months of promotional gameplay vids hitting the net.

How has nobody made a wobble-animation game before this? Great shortcut and it's adorable.

It's the perfect fragrance for the perfect date. (swidt)

Because of Kinja's "related story" mechanisms, the headline to the article seemed, to me, to be "Dead Body discovered During Avengers filming in South Korea: Why Joss Whedon Is Already Apologizing for The Avengers: Age of Ultron." But then I realized that couldn't be the case because two colons in a single sentence

My personal winner for the week

I love this one.

We're still in the "constantly hazing" portion of this new guy thing, right?

"In soviet russia, Donkey is pinned to YOUR tail!"