Should be your avatar.
Should be your avatar.
We're all winners. All of us. All of us whom bore witness to this glorious contesting.
Real talk. If next month I only buy ONE GAME... Should it be Goat Simulator, or the Diablo III expansion? I can only choose one.
I don't get why this exists.
Incorrect statement! Reasoning - Does not compute? WHY DON'T YOU ANALYZE WORDS RIGHT< ZZZZROBOCOPBLOWUPNOW.exe
Alternate response: Megan Fox's weird multiple-unnecessary-surgery face looks faker than the cgi. She used to be pretty. Now she's a frankenstein.
Michael Bay, you need to step the F off my childho-... (finishes watching the tail end of the trailer.)
Proper ice-sliding Iceman confirmed. Ticket sold.
I challenge this statement and await your Mona Lisa of shops.
Unless you make a good 'shop. Right? Isn't that how contests work?
Am I living a lie?
Nintendo's efforts inevitably went horribly awry.
If my opinion on this topic weren't more widespread, I'd agree with you... But Diablo III hate is pretty common still.
I'd suggest you stay off the internet if you can't handle opinions that you don't agree with.
Alternate title: Jumping the new guy in