
voice acting isn't exactly a job that takes much at all.

i'd much rather see this one

Torn apart by betrayal. Separated by war. Bound by love.

Try using what I lovingly dub "Team SHIV".

They have made some SHIV improvements:

Oh hey! Funny story... but yeah, I call it the Xbone not because I'm going out to degrade the people who created it, but because it sounds funny and is a jocular reference to the stupidity of the committee of committees of people who designed and named the thing. I've got an Xboner for the Xbone, and some day not

Thing is, saying XB1 out loud isn't any shorter than saying XBox One. Simply calling it "The One" is stupid, like you're in a cult that worships the XBox One.

To be fair, a lot of things didn't even occur to the executives at MS.

my favourite...

It was hard but I found out they share the same Spanish Class.

Bookmarking this comment for annual evaluations.

I guess it really will be a Red October :c

Ding Chavez, John Clark, and Jack Ryan. Thanks for the memories, Mr. Clancy.

Something's gotta sell Valve consoles, so why not HL3 :)

"Let me show you how real women look.

...With this Maxim photo shoot."

Sounds like fun. They better release a PC version some time soon!

Did you enjoy that whine?