
Isn't this something we always say these days when a new Korean MMO or RPG comes out? Plainly, we need to accept from now on that the Korean dudes making these games are capable of doing this from the get go. That this kind of quality is normal coming from them.

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

The lightsaber all by itself is probably one of the coolest weapons in scifidom. Attempts to make it cooler will have diminishing returns.

To be fair, offering brand new games like Far Cry 4 and The Crew to those who paid for the season pass is a commendable move.


The next day: "I've just got rejected by my GF, now I have to sell off all these iPhones... Please, take it away from me..."

Interesting thing about that AC3 art...from the uniforms it's set, like, 100 years before the game ended up being set. That would have changed everything about it.


I absolutely adore this case so I bought an old G5 for £50, gutted it and transformed it into a standard ATX case, waiting till I have to money to turn into a proper gaming pc though it will have both the looks and the power of a Mac Pro then :D

Is that Red, from Transistor? They kind of look like Transistor enemies.

I like the idea of non-aerodynamic space ships.

Do you intend on keeping it in your pocket?

Will, I'm worried about you. You're not making a lot of sense. You seem distracted, you're having trouble making eye contact... What's going on, buddy? Will, I asked you a question. Are you using again? Will? Look at me.

I'm crying. I had to get out of bed and walk down the hall to avoid waking my wife I am laughing so hard I am crying.

And this comes exactly 1 day before Apple's event... Nice move Google, your turn Apple.

Dubbed the PlayBook 4, this is the work of self-taught engineer Ed Zarick, who previously did a portable Xbox One. As Kotaku UK and Eurogamer point out, the portable console is housed in a 3D-printed plastic case and sports a 22-inch 1080p display.

If only there were a version that weren't "Compact"...

Indeed, the 3Ds has always been atrociously hideous. As in, I'd-be-embarrassed-if-anyone-saw-me-playing-it hideous.

Yeah that first image was gross, but that was just the best we had at the time. The video (which I didn't have time to screenshot) was looking a lot better.