Jesus returns riding a t-rex**
Jesus returns riding a t-rex**
Author of piece was referring to how he's looking forward to game's looking like that. Not the scope of said game. The Order achieves that.
I have. On PC actually. Gorgeous title, too. Definitely one of the best looking titles on my rig. But the order still comes on top. I'm about 70% into the game and I'm still gawking at the screen everytime I play it. Granted this comes with a low fps, smaller screen ratio, and closed spaces— but it's still a marvel to…
I have. I own a GTX 780 on pc. Games's run at 1080/60. The Order 1886 is the prettiest title I've ever laid eyes on. Watching a video and playing it are two different things.
Visually speaking. Yes, it's quite amazing. I wasn't referring to the scope of the game.
you dream about CG-like graphics and I'm here playing the order 1886...
"not a downloadable game that could be on my ps3"
Or maybe he's using product.
Inb4 "sure it looks good but on a $3000 machine."
To be fair this was on ps2, and in-game cut scenes are extremely limited, doubt there's much they can do capture the flair and impact in the animation.
Never thought of that; she's a better hacker than the main character as well, really does fit that character a lot.
You keep recurring the point of using weather as a sort of conceal for the game's limitations as a bad thing.
"At times" is what I said.
Assassin's Creed Unity looks breathtaking at times.
Pretty sure this is Watch Dogs, luke. Not remember me.
Make your pick.
Maybe on video; the game in action is on absolute solid 30. Which is even more surprising when a rainstorm hits and the physics work doubles up and all.
Few laps aren't enough of to form a rounded opinion on the game.
The only platforming that ticked me off in 2 was during the puzzles, other than that I'd constantly tap X and not much care for whats going on.