
Quick, think of the burliest video game engines that you've seen lately. Frostbite 3. Unreal Engine 4. That Luminous Studio demo Square Enix showed off at E3 2012. Project Cars. Pretty soon, you're going to have to add Snowdrop to that list.

And when would that be announced, and for that matter revealed?

I think 1080p-1440p would be fine. 4K monitors are very expensive so I might consider it later on.

Not too sure on that yet. I've been saving up for a good rig that the keyboard, mouse and screen were purely an after thought.

I'm building my first PC and thinking about getting a GTX780, do you think that'll fair well for several tears?

Or it could just be another way of saying 'climb up' or 'climb down'.

What about the computer requirements to use it? And also how is it that a lot of people have any random game run on the oculus rift without actual support on it?

I'm looking at the moto360 and it just stuns me how beautiful and functional it seems. An genuine smartwatch that I wouldn't mind investing in.

Could someone explain me this phenomena? The selfie?


Let nature do it's job. It consumes the stupid and the smart survives.

I'd love to see the fastfood chains that feed shit to children go on the list, or rather, the banks that shipped and sealed blue-red-and-white dildos to every american and shoved it in their ass so far it came out of their mouth— banks are private businesses that caused mass exodus.

Is it exclusively on android though? I'd love support for IOS on this. The moto 360 looks beautiful.

The circular screen looks gorgeous.

Yet apple is one of the largest companies to ever be built, and sony, previously on that throne, is falling down with yearly losses.

Apple's business model, more than anything, is what should be replicated with all firms.

That's a perspective I never took, thanks for sharing it.

Good. The first iteration felt like they were trying to be different for the hell of it.

1. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Are we going to forget this?