
Here's my pick out of each list ( If anyone cares, and that's probably no one ) :

That is exactly why I enjoyed, Sleeping Dogs and spec ops the line, so much.

Yes I do too find the fact that there is no dedicated parry button quite annoying. However, I slowly learnt how to deal with situations where there are many enemies. I'm constantly running, around the enemies finding the perfect time to hit one ( I usually use this technique when there are several Gekko's around ), I

I played the demo, and enjoyed it a lot. But here's a tip to ya, don't just play the demo once, play it several times and you will improve as time progresses. It was quite difficult at first ( I never was a hack n' slash kinda gamer ), but now it is absolutely fun. I can't wait for the game ( and I never thought I'd

Oh, how did I not notice that. Pretty damn cool I'd say,

Nah, cut-scenes are way too long in this one.

Although I never payed interest to the MH franchise, I do hope this comes to the Vita, having it boost the sales tremendously would encourage other developers to make more games for it, and who knows, probably after that, we'd see announcements for Kingdom Hearts, FinalFantasy or even MGS on the Vita.

I call BS. I did try out a demo last year in a Gaming-Expo, and as far as I'm concerned the demo sucked. The character's movements were weird, too many cut-scenes, Lara croft is too dramatic, visuals were not appealing at all and overall, it was just not even fun to play.

I myseld am a huge fan of stealth games, especially the MGS series. I was not excited for this game, in fact I hated it. That is before, I tried out an early demo of it, after that I loved it. And the same goes for the upcoming DMC. I was surprised that I actually enjoyed it.

It would've been cool if it looked more like the Wii game. It wasn't all that fun on the Wii, but seeing every Pokemon in 3d, each with their own different size made things look cool.

Well then that's a problem, If i'm going to be at home, in a stationary area - I'd play my console.

That's exactly it, they offer new stuff to known franchises. Nothing new, no risks taken. They stick with Mario, Zelda and pokemon. I'm tired of it, I wanted new, but they did not deliver.

I've a lot, and I mean A lot. So instead I'll just point out the highlights with gaming on my PS2 ( In no order ).

god that looks awful.

It might not be broken, but I ( and many others ) want something new. And that's probably why that after the GameCube, I was all over playstation. I was severely disappointed with the DS and Wii. While Sony kept on bringing new, and great content to the PSP and PS3.

Seems like nothing can get me interested in Pokemon ( never was, never will be ).

Wow, that Xperia Z looks fantastic and sure has the specs to be one hell of a phone.

Although I do agree that next-gen consoles won't be such a huge jump in performance, I'd stay on the safe side and wait. I'd wait until gaming laptops which are strong enough to run console games for years to come to be available in the market for a fairly affordable price.

I haven't played the game nor am I planing on playing it, so, Congrats.

I can't see myself ever letting go of my PS3 ( probably my PS4 in the near future ) nor do i see myself playing a tablet or a smartphone in a ride rather than my Vita.