
I never was interest in Square Enix's games this 'generation' ( I really don't like turn-based RPG titles ), except for the PSP title that is, hopefully we'll see this implemented on handheld devices, of course the same results are impossible, but I would love to play the next FF dissida on my Vita with an engine as

As a local and resident of the UAE , I can say that audi's aren't that 'big' here. Well, with locals they're not, they tend to go for big 4-weel toyota's or Nissan's. And when in need for a luxury car it's usually a Lexus or a BMW and at times an Infinity. Although the amount of audi cars in Dubai has grown, I don't

From a gamers perspective, I think the life-span should be even longer. I mean, look at the PS3 its only last year that we got phenomenal looking games like Uncharted 3. And what about next year, If MGS : Ground zeroes really is a current-gen game then I only wish for these consoles to stay longer, I want bigger and

You might think it's cool, but honestly how long do you think It'll last. Sure maybe next year we'll see the next Cod, AC, BF 4 and other 3rd party AAA titles on the Wii U, but what about the year after it ? All these developers will move onto the PS4 and Next Xbox and start developing titles bigger than ever before.

Well it deserves it, and knowing that a sequel is coming makes me a whole lot happier.

My 2nd best pick for a Vita user would be NFSmostwaned, that game was fun exciting and addicting ( I've literally played the game every day since it's release in Oct.30, I can't get enough of it )

The most underrated title of 2012, to me is - Gravity Rush. The phenomenal Vita title that didn't sell well, and got average scores on big gaming websites.

The only AC games that have stuck strictly to the past are ( AC Bloodlines and AC 3 liberation ) - although liberation did have a background story that had a lot to do with Abstergo industries ( If you didn't play the game, the concept of it is really - really cool and after playing it - it only made me think of the

Well for games : I'd say a PSN voucher of $50 maybe ?, there are a lot of fantastic PSN titles. Journey of course is game that is to be noted.

Maybe Next-Gen ?, they could have a cycle of one Mirrors Edge game per console generation ?

That's not 'ripping off', they're not taking the exact same characters and slapping them to the manga, the only real similarity I see is the Neptune, and I don't think Neptune was a character created by disney. The characters in One Piece are simply inspired by'em not copying them.

I actually tried out the Wii U today, I didn't like.

A PSVita bundle ( There are many, from bundles like AC 3 Liberation, CoD declassified, NFSmostwanted, PSAllstars, LBP, ) Thats a bundle for $250 with a free game plus memory card saving you $70. Also slap a PSplus code to that and get 5 free games (titles like Uncharted to the oh-so fantastic and beautiful Gravity

Am I the only one that hardly had any problems whilst playing this game ?

black friday only - it seems.

Well I own a Vita (got it since day 1 ) and it's a fantastic device, truly worth the price.

I'm just hoping to see the new waves of 1st party titles like Uncharted, GoW, Killzone and of course titles like Journey.

I'll wait too, I'll probably get the console when Smash Bros and Mario Kart comes out for it ( that's all I used to play on the wii ). And I'm still intrigued on the whole 2 screen method of gaming, it feels from my perspective that it just won't work, I don't want to be playing in an FPS match - and tilt my head all

My favorite game track is also another Vita title, but this one is Gravity Rush ( The best Vita game I'd say ), but here's one of the great tracks in the game :

My favorite Vita games ( That I played and have completed ) :