
Talk about Metal Gear in real life.

I was seriously hoping for a Galaxy Note II sized, windows Phone 8 handset with anEdge-to-Edge display. - Is that way to much ?

Literally stunning, well I should start by reading the Story of MG1 and MGx2, then by playing MGS 1, MGS2, MGS 3, MGS 4 and MGS Peace Walker, again. Can't wait for the game I really hope it's coming out next year, my favorite series is back and it's the best.

Some say it's BigBoss but the Eye-patch is on the wrong eye.....

Hey Kotaku, make sure to get us some:

I really like the idea of a 'Guerrilla' fighter, It just makes things more believable. I still remember how in the past AC games I would just slaughter every enemy, then I'd just walk out normally to start removing wanted posters, things felt repetitive. But with Connor's fluid movement,the variety of weapons,

Tom Hardy would be the best Kratos

So for $190 you get this 7'inch "Gaming" tablet, that runs $9 Gameloft ripoff games and also angry birds and people call this a 'deal' ?. But when there's a Portable gaming device that has many uses and can run console like Triple-A games that can be played for hours and hours with real controls and fantastic visuals

I love Sleepingdogs, Hell ! I enjoyed it more than GTA IV and Although I do love the setting of HongKong, I feel like they didn't 'embrace' it ( Open-world wise ), Yes you drive on the left and the people speak Cantonese. But whenever you do want to drive a car, the car is usually what is centered. Comparing to GTA IV

I really don't get what's going on by the pictures, I loved MGS PW but this just looks weird,

What a way to announce the biggest game of 2013....

Maybe the 'WORLD' needs to try the Vita before making quick assumptions. I tried the Vita, bought it and it was one of the best things I bought in years ! I would much rather play Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Killzone and AC 3 Liberation that any Mario game, legend of Zelda or Pokemon + I do enjoy playing 'ports' on the

So for $190 you get this 7'inch "Gaming" tablet, that runs $9 Gameloft ripoff games and also angry birds and people call this a 'deal' ?. But when there's a Portable gaming device that has many uses and can run console like Triple-A games that can be played for hours and hours with real controls and fantastic visuals

They could really just make the bezel smaller ( Look at it ! ), the star of the device is the screen and it needs to be bigger.

god, Would I love a Galaxy Note II with windows phone 8

Oh no, no no no. Since you say it isn't well ... It isn't !

I really don't care about sales, I don't own a 3DS but I still want a reason to do so, But I actually own a Vita and it is one of the best things I've bought In years ! plus the tons and tons of 'big' titles only makes things better for my Vita and it also makes that 'Reason' to buy a 3DS go further and further away.

I don't know about you, but these announcements don't seems as near as exciting as The Vita's announcements in Gamescom 2012.

yeah, exactly !

Wow, the setting in each picture just look fantastic !