
Well Sony could definitely make a special offer to the museum, Yes the 3DS has the those features but the VITA has them ( except for the 3D ) and even better ! And believe me when i Tell you that the VITA is much much more comfortable to hold than the 3DS not to mention it feels extremely light. And i dont even have

The only thing Im looking forward to are the Games and the ""Possibilities" Of what might a Developer do with the Controls, And biggest point that im looking forward to is for Developers to get used to the Device, I mean take for Example the PS3, when it First came out with its games they didnt Look as good as the

Yeah it Kinda works, Hundreds of Visitors come and go, and i wouldn't be surprised if an Adult tried the 3D screen without going crazy about it. It kinda works like free Advertisements. I think Sony should do the same not with a Museum but somewhere with Hundreds of Youth and young men hang out.

Just adding Thoughts, That conclude to one thing : The VITA is a great device thats worth buying I dont understand why people dont buy it but instead bought the 3DS, Its Multifunctional device With amazing games, Fantastic Video playback, Good browser which kinda explains the higher price ( You are getting Much More

Now theres were your wrong, I bet you just watched Kotaku's post about handhelds in PAX East ?

This may seem weird but id say using a PSVITA would be better, yes it doesnt have 2 screens and it is considerably bigger than the 3DS but if you think of it now a days every body has a smartphone or a tablet and using a VITA would make things much easier, with its Big screen and it capacitive touch screen —- Maybe

EA - Bring SSX to the PSVITA !

Well numerous Leaks and reports of a "BLACK OPS 2" Have been around and I believe its definitely not a port Activision can think for itself it has the Best selling game on consoles do you believe they'll release the same game and people would buy the same game Twice ? I'm hardly a COD fan I enjoy BF3 much much more

I definetly see a bright future for the VITA when all the good games will be released and it will dominate the 3DS later on.

True !

Yeah ! - I do guess 3DS owner who do enjoy their device do have a different taste in Games of course there are alot of amazing games on the 3DS which i Would love to have on my VITA but the majority of the games on the VITA win me over. You are right there are games worth playing the 3DS i heavily enjoyed MK 7 and

Yeah every body does have a different taste in games - I prefer Good graphics, Realism and of coure Fun gameplay that doesn't feel repetitive, I have tried games like Monster hunter, Kid icarus and Resident evil but The games were alright but interms of visuals it was really bad and Controls were Extremely difficult I

Esh when are the Good Game gameplay trailers coming out ?!?

Yeah you just wouldn't Believe the amount of disappointment in me ! But I guess your right in a Years time both systems will be good,But maybe its just that in Japan or the US as the VITA is doing Great in Europe, parts of asia and the Middle East.

I'm guessing 3DS owners have a different taste in games ? I mean i've played a whole lot on the 3DS wether its my friends or at a store, But although the device has been out for a year Its not all that ! Yes there are Alot of games but you wont buy all of them or atleast most of them -_- The only games that I find

Well maybe you have a different taste in games - the only games that I really find nice on the 3DS are MarioKart 7 - MGS 3 - Kingdom Hearts and thats probably it. and While the 3DS has been out for a year now and the VITA's been out for a month or so I own : FIFA 12, Uncharted, WipEout, rayman Origins, motorstorm RC

This is unbelievable -_-'' The vita is really a great machine and undeniably Better than the 3DS !

But it isnt a game that Japan would go crazy for ( Ex : Monster Hunter, FF, Kingdom Hearts, Gran Turismo or mario ) Its usually these games they are like the COD of Japan

Well its pretty obvious - From the start sony targeted the VITA towards the west, Even when making the device it self sony called in alot of its US/EU developers to help them build the right device, and up until now the games that are available are not targeted towards Japan, the games on the PSP are but not on the

Well its pretty obvious - From the start sony targeted the VITA towards the west, Even when making the device it self sony called in alot of its US/EU developers to help them build the right device, and up until now the games that are available are not targeted towards Japan, the games on the PSP are but not on the