Doesn’t look like it’s actually a bad design from the responses of cyclists. Seems like it is a better design then the alternative, which is having no dedicated bike lanes in a lot of the roads.
Doesn’t look like it’s actually a bad design from the responses of cyclists. Seems like it is a better design then the alternative, which is having no dedicated bike lanes in a lot of the roads.
Can you blame them?
As in “we advise you not use these lanes if you value breathing in the future”?
Anyone who’s ever ridden a bike can attest they’ve felt safe and respected by cars in traffic.
If anyone is in Vegas this week, they will be there to watch the race.
The streets were made with public tax dollars and repaired with public tax dollars. The race is on public streets, not a private track!
FYI - the title is “serious deals on [new] electric vehicles”. It is not “serious deals on driving what you already own”
CNBC has a story that this 2024 Nautilus will be manufactured in China. So probably is based on the Chinese Ford Edge.
The Chevy Bolt has entered the chat
Yeah that was about 5 paragraphs of insane ranting.
“One day, when all these useless politicians (on both sides) stop their pissing matches over who can screw whose base over more, I might be able to get an EV, that I can charge at a convenient place, for less than my yearly salary. Maybe even, dare I say, get a rebate?”
This is an anti EV thing that AEG’s been pushing for years, even Jalopnik’s sister site has an article debunking this
Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.
My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.
My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.
If you have someone who is class III morbidly obese, they eventually die young. My very good friend died at age 20 by throwing a blood clot, directly due to his extreme obesity. I would give up so much to go back in time and have my friend on Wegovy as a teen. Some people need a lifelong help. Fine. Caleb would be…
It’s not a pill.
I'll do anything to post an edgy comment, except for reading the actual article.
I don’t know, I’ve talked to a doc working in osteoarthritis who told me that it pretty much is a fucking magic (injection, not pill). He has patients losing massive amounts of weight who couldn’t lose it before and it’s staying off. No gain/loss cycle. “Game changer” is the exact words he used. Less weight means less…
I’ve lost 22 pounds on Ozempic since July. It’s been wonderful.