Connie Artisan

Well, It is a Chanel purse so maybe she's trying to class up her outfit a bit?

Okay, fair enough this is disrespectful but I think this woman deserves kudos for her perfect tongue placement. The silhouette even looks into it.

Yay! I got Scary Spice, who is actually the best because she does the rap on Wannabe, so there.

These are amazing and I want them all NOW! I can't for the life of me figure out why these are supposed to be offensive. I actually think it's kinda sweet that some dude has put so much thought into womens underwear, AND he's made them look cool AND they have swears on them that aren't about being sexy or available,

Ugh, yes, I remember those... There was another series of PSAs about sexting that were similarly awful. They show a young woman in high school being shamed by her entire class after the photos she took were shared by her boyfriend. I remember being confused about what the actual message was... Don't take sexy photos

Uhuh. I was a jeweller for a number of years where I made ALL the Tiffany knock-offs for a fraction of the price using the same (or better) materials. Retail is retail is retail and people will always buy overpriced gimmicky crap. Having said that, I WANT A SHITTY DIAMOND CANDLE TOO!

I was almost certain those things died in the 90's. Apparently not.

Is this bed a cake? I can't decide whether the sheets are made of icing or rubber.

Yep. I think one of the scarier things about a narcissist is their ability to re-write the past in order to fit their own narrative. So not only are they never wrong in the case of actual events, they're never wrong in any case because they can delude themselves into believing things that never even happened.

I love how he phrases it, 'It's time the transgender community stopped viciously overreacting...", as if this is some huge issue and not that he's just butthurt about being wrong.

Yeah can we? I'm a thin person, and I've NEVER been discriminated against for it, it just doesn't happen! A few comments every now and then like "gaunt" and "too-thin" do not compare AT ALL to what overweight/obese people have to deal with and pretending it does comes off as extremely disingenuous. My best friend is