Maybe while you're in the quittin' mood you should consider quittin' the detoxing juice cleanses? I don't think you're supposed to do them all year round. Give your bowels a break Gwenny!
Maybe while you're in the quittin' mood you should consider quittin' the detoxing juice cleanses? I don't think you're supposed to do them all year round. Give your bowels a break Gwenny!
I'm going to be laughing at this forever... FOREVER!
*Holds up sign*
Who are you talking to random woman and man? What is the actual point of this and why did I bother reading it? I'm going to back away slowly now.
Yep, she lost me when she compared being teased for having a big nose to being discriminated against for being gay... Yeah you totally get it Gaga *eyeroll*. But I shouldn't even care because when she talks about the gays she means gay men and I'm a lesbian and Lady Gaga doesn't care about lesbians* (there I said it).
No worries :) Yeah I think the OP was interpreted as "most cops are good and reporting on bad ones adds to the distrust of police" which does sound a little like you don't want these stories reported on (despite you saying otherwise), kinda like when people say, "I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic etc... BUT... and…
Two cops waited with me while I got my rape test done and drove me home but I assumed that was part of their job, is that not the norm? They did get me Starbucks though, that was nice. Obviously this is an issue that is very close to you but I also think it would be irresponsible to not report these incidents no…
I know, right? We're currently facing a vanilla bean shortage, prices are sky-rocketing as a result... Do you want vanilla to just disappear? No? Then give vanilla the respect it deserves!
For some reason that gif made me think of that scene in West Side Story just before they have the big fight so I laughed way too hard at this.
There's something about his face that just looks mean. I feel uneasy every time I see a picture of him. *shudders*
Oooh ooh I got one too! So apparently before passing out on a sofa I had previously consented to sex while unconscious! Cos everyone likes sleep sex, right?
Why are you suggesting women carry guns? Wouldn't stun guns, tasers or pepper spray be safer, more practical options?
The point wasn't to "titillate young girls", it was a lame ploy to get media coverage which they got lots of, I've seen this story on numerous sites. If you believe it was a spontaneous thing and they both have super big crushes on each other fine, but I think it was staged and tacky as hell. If Miley hadn't spent the…
Zooey is gorge but I prefer serious, I'll cut you if you cross me types. Seems like we've got this all sorted out, I would hate to have to fight you for Emily ;-P
You're surprisingly not that far off!
Heh, I think I must have come off pretty harsh cos some other commenter is on me about that now :-/ She's all yours! I'll be over here with Zooey's older sis Emily (more my type).
Oh come on, that was an extremely tongue in cheek reply to someone speculating on her sexuality. I couldn't give a toss what category she wants to put herself in, I'm just saying I personally don't think she's into women. Also, did you actually watch the video? This wasn't a case of two young fun lovin' girls kissing…
I'm not sure why you're replying to me because I never said anything you're accusing me of saying.