
I really need to watch this movie again. It's been years.

Hasn't anyone told him 666 is NOT the number of the beast? (hint: it's 616)

Actually, The Number of the Beast is 616, not 666. He's worrying over nothing.

If I may make a suggestion...

I have to say, where most people point to Star Trek as their major, influential SF show, Stargate SG-1 was always my favorite.

Now playing

Amanda Tapping is a priceless natural resource.

guys, let me clear this up; you have what is sometimes referred to as "differing opinions." sometimes it happens and neither party is truly wrong.

we never called it that

To be honest, I wouldn't mind one last jaunt through the ole orifice.

That'd be a real shame.

The amazing SG-1 and Atlantis have ruined movie based Stargate for me. Will still see the movie though, see if it can change my mind.

Quick update: this app is in beta testing and, to make a profile, you have to have an invite code, which one can request. Who knows if or when I'll get the invite code. But, until then, there's not much I can do.

Sure. I've got nothing going on tonight. Will post back with first impressions, results.

The box logic described in this article does little to explain:

A love so true that a 17 year-old and a 13 year-old were willing to fake their own deaths.


It also proves if you give an anime property to people who respect and enjoy it, you'll get a good end result. :)

Ah but that's the best part, if you don't recognise it you clearly don't already know the twist.