
I recommend that anyone who dislikes the idea of Joementum with his finger on a "kill switch" go to the following brief article, learn about the name of the bill he's pushing, contact your senators and tell them why you oppose it.

So sad when these things don't work in Chrome Portable.

1) The Twitter one only loads the Twitter page and puts the text into the status box - it doesn't submit it.

@crichton007: Trying it now with a desktop install; it hangs at "Syncing". Oy.

Bathroom. If the OS is working.

You know what else? Every extension I try to install is, again, failing to unzip. (I'm using most recent PortableApps version.) And with the new Chrome Apps store, one can no longer right click to "Save as" and install the extension manually - trying this just downloads some HTML instead.

Looks great. Hopefully someone at Google is at work to figure out why extensions installed in Chrome are uninstalling themselves each time you reboot.

@esaevian: Jared's Mint account must be completely fubar.


@Jakooboo is nominal.: Well, I don't know about Callin Krome (palindrome? Palin Drone?), but I applied just now. Link still works. Line up!

@danielblakes: Actually, I just got a notification that it went through. I'm nowhere near the printer, but it looks to have worked... what, two hours later?

@Mister Cow: I got no love. I'm at work - firewall problems, maybe?

@gravi_t: Yeah, I guess you're right. Pretty much just as easy.

Belvedere-related question: Is there any way to get it to scan an entire system for a type of file (say, .doc) and then move those files? I'd like to use it to do this with my wife's Vista-hobbled laptop, so I could be certain I'd snared them all before installing XP over it...