Damn. I really wanted this to work with Gmail's SMS and Google Voice.
Damn. I really wanted this to work with Gmail's SMS and Google Voice.
Is there a PDF instruction manual for the online Prezi?
I'd love to see a post, or series of posts, on tips for forcing down the amount of memory various programs use.
Anyone using the offline Prezi software?
Does the saucer section separate? I KNOW IT'S THE WRONG SHIP SHUT UP
@Stem_Sell: OR IT'S FREE
@lalov1: Tried installing Firebug Lite - once again, extension install fail. Which is getting really, really old.
You know what I'd like? An extension (Chrome!) that allows me to highlight text and have a popup window notify me what typeface I'm looking at.
Chrome's got "Tab Sugar", which looks to be the same thing. Except that Chrome's extension-adding ability has been busted for weeks. Seems like it's happening for a lot of people - for everybody?
@sigurrosuntitled: Will it be more "don't be a crappy browser" compliant?
I've got a lovely image of the "Lifehacker crashed our site" graphic they're using, with an N-SYNC member's head pasted on there, but the site won't let me upload. So you'll just have to imagine it.
@The Intern: I like making fun of poorly-conceived money grabs
@FriarNurgle: Insane for The Jonas Brothers! Might as well press the flesh with his most favorite band before Aol. hits the skids
@JimboLodisC: +1
I haven't been able to install extensions for a while now - keep getting the same directory install error message. Already been to the Chrome help groups; nobody knows what's happening. Anyone?
Last time I ask, I promise - any ideas on re-creating Priority Inbox when running Thunderbird, connected to stay synced with my Gmail?
"SnarkyBabies like to comment on this page to a friend or family member who is an expert in the field of view of their owners and are strictly for viewing and printing of these books are nothing but another form of therapy for these patients is not known"
"In the case of these two types of information that is not appropriate for all users of the catalogue should also be noted that there is anything you would not believe how much I loved them all and I'ma let you finish but Beyonce had one of these days I'll bet your life on the road to"
I'm still hoping for Thunderbird integration.