How is this not cheating. This is absolutely fucking cheating! It’s a fucking hack and you should be ashamed of yourself. You suck as a human being and a gamer!


Well played sir! You have proven this article to be a dead horse. Well played indeed.

Well played Jason! Well played indeed!

I bet the two men's families don't think it's funny.

Thank you for sharing! I never heard of him before but I love his work. I have scrapbooked (note 4 amazing little info collection tool) his Google entry.

I can tell you this. Anonymous didn't give two shits about doing anything to stop then until LS decided to accuse them off working with the feds to stop the attack.

I just wish there wasn't economic/national boundaries in games marketing and release. It pisses me off I don't get to play games like this.

I'm happy for pc gamers, I didn't know they had this seasonal Gameplay.

Who's is she. I should like to comment and commend her on her reasoning.

Still, in COD the clans and what they are asked to do is intrinsically different then titles with greater tactical requirements.

Then I prognosticate that you will be joining me very soon my friend. I went from tired to opposed very quickly. Perhaps you may experience the same shift as well

Nor was I my friend. I used to love COD. I have simply grown tired of fueling the machine that stagnates the genre while getting nothing in return .

Not everybody. I am absolutely finished with call of duty. This ages me, but the very best multiplayer experience I ever had online was Rainbow Six Vegas on the still adolescent 360.

I'm instantly incorporating this terminology into my vocabulary! I can imagine a multitude of comedic uses already! :)

Wtf is neck beard?


Way to spread love and compassion!


Quite possibly the coolest gamer move I have ever seen! Well played!