
@Spderweb: I wonder if people know that clubbing is actually one of the more humane ways to kill the seal, and we aren't legally allowed to hunt the babies?! Most other hunting methods (usually a rifle) carry more risk of harming the animal, with a missed shot, and then it slipping under the ice and swimming away to

Elfs being slaves is old hat, at least for me... I have a friend who runs a DnD campaign where elves have been slaves, and are essentially the scum of society, and he's been doing so for quite some time. Even goes as far as Half-Elfs taking great strides to attempt to conceal identities in order to get by in life.

WOOO BANDWAGON!! I mean.. just linked up the account.. I like the new screen, it's flashy. That being said, why do I feel like I just signed a contract in my own blood?

I haven't read much about this DSi yet, but any word about Wireless Security? The DS Lite had support for WEP only, will this thing do at least WPA PSK?

@Saist: One word for you "Wintergrasp"... not quite forced PVP but close....

@Archaotic: Wait, wait, hold up the gravy boat... CoH was fun?! You must be talking about the charater creator, ya.. that was a blast. But then you entered a world of crazy similar textures, re-used maps, and so much repetition you want to gouge out your eyes... but man your guys sure did look awesome.

@Ramza69: Final Fantasy VII was ported to PC as well (it's where I played it first :D)... and a bunch more, apparently. Just look to Lisf of Square Games and

@alaren: And that, my friends, is what you call "smart parenting". Why cut our children off from the advents of our time? We should treat electronics, toys, games, and the like as tools to be used to educate, edify, and entertain. Don't just take things away from your kids because they aren't "what your used too"

@ComputerMonkey: DAMN IT.. "knocking down my DOOR"... DOOR... not "knocking down my who..."

@Fallible: au contraire, if I was in dire straights, and had the biggest baddest bad guy knocking down my who better to bring the pain than someone with "death" in their name!!

I survived Metal Snaps, as did my Sister, her two kids, all my cousins, and everyone else I know. So, my theory is, if it was good enough for me, it's good enough for any theoretical children I may/may not have.

@MayContainNuts: I chuckled... the only thing worse than my metro-sexual midget avatar, is the fact that they have NO wrists and massive hands, making all the long sleeve shirts look just a little too short...

@Bogart Shwadchuck: Holy sweet lord, I just noticed... it must be cause of the Roids...

@Spoony Bard: A release on Dec 31 is still counted as this year.. and I think that is what they are going for, so open beta till the 31st is my theory

@A Pimp Named DaveR: If this is the case, the expression on the chicks face tells a very odd story. On the one hand, there is the "!" above her head, which I can only assume means "OOH SNAP, look at that".. but the facial expression says something more along the lines of "nothing new, impressive, or otherwise

Fig's 7 and 8 show a pretty neat "inter-changable" faceplate idea.. with 8 creating a more "traditional" styly controller... hmmm vewy interesting....

@Soldier_CLE scratches himself, seems pleased.: If I may jump in on the whold "Declawing" issue. It's not bad solely because you remove their "natural form of defence" as been stated (I mean, if it's a house cat, what is there to defend from? Angry- Robotic cat dish??). But it has been proven to cause many cats to go

@Ra is on TNG: But you would not get anyone, because you forgot that it's called "Petrol" in the UK

@ComputerMonkey: oops, wrong reply.. this was intended for Picklebreat and/or Schmatz.. many apologies