
Magikarp Jump, on the other hand, can be played offline and from the safety from your own sheltered home. No regrets!

Metal Gear: The more body parts you lose, the cooler you are.

Get the press, get the C&D, get Nintendo hate train on your side, get extra downloads of your spiritual successor.

Worth the wait? Hmm.

Yeah, Corridor Digital shares a studio with Node, so it makes sense they’re basically bros :V

I was providing an example of a Lawful Good character to support Cecilia’s argument that LG can be very complex that most people can readily identify as such when shown. Most people wouldn’t think of Batman as Lawful Good because they view Batman’s role as a vigilante as being, non-Lawful initially. By expanding

I’d like to point out that, all things considered, Batman falls into the Lawful Good category. Well, most versions of him anyway. Even though masked vigilantism is definitely illegal, he operates under a moral natural law that supersedes political establishment law. This is similar to the Heinz dilemma about stealing

For the impatient, you can try the alpha, in stores now, just look up Battlefront!

I recall murdering him several times with beheadings and head explosions. It seems to not have worked.

Keep it up! One day you’ll beat all the Gyms!

All my Snorlax does is drop food for my Magikarp every 50 minutes. Which is enough. I may not be a Pokémon trainer anymore, but I’ll be damned if I don’t make this Magikarp jump 170m into the air.

Not sure how it’s a money grab if it’s free and a 5v5/coop game?

Now playing

I love this skin for no other reason than this old gem.

I love this skin for no other reason than this old gem.

Have you read Fahey’s version? Do not try to kill a spider on the ceiling with sticky tack, and then throw a game case at it.

Most of the Ace Combat stories have been very strong and well-written. If you have never seen any of the stories, you could probably sit down and watch a playthrough of Ace Combat 5 and get sucked in. Most of the games fall in a parallel to reality style universe.

Remember when you thought 1/60 Perfect Grade Mobile Suits were expensive at their ~$150 price point? Not anymore...

One doesn’t judge a gunpla collection by how many are complete, but how many are in the backlog.

Konosuba if my wiki link didn’t make it.