This “pay to play” model for security is ridiculous
This “pay to play” model for security is ridiculous
This is a common pattern across many industries. Building a brand new business is hard. Building it a second time is a bit easier , you already learned the hard lessons. I’d also point out that many founders / execs that are good at building a business from scratch are often terrible about managing it as a mature…
That’s a particularly grim point of view and while it has a kernel of truth , it doesn’t really encapsulate startups. Yes it is true that founders and investors start companies to make money, fine with that.
I should also point out that this is setting up to be a classic Republican legislation where they do not think through the consequences - they are painting themselves into a corner.
I guess I’d rather they waste their time chasing legislation for things that are non-existent and will not hurt anyone when outlawed rather than their normal daily activities of trying to destroy the public education system, or taking away reproductive rights, or codifying bigotry into law.
Unfortunately I hadn’t seen your other replies before I clicked publish. I do hope you get a chance to break away from the meeting and catch the event.
There is no chemical reaction from just mixing the two fuels together. It’s more like a cocktail , 1 part vodka (at 40% alcohol) , 1 part cranberry juice (at 0%) gets me 2 parts of a tasty 20% alcohol drink.
You’re assuming they mix it 50/50, they don’t. 89 is 1/3 93 and 2/3 87, and 91 is 2/3 93 and 1/3 87. In my area it is common for gas sations to 87,89,91, and 93. Still just two tanks feeding that.
Agreed, the original article picture is the first time I’ve ever seen the mid-grade priced at the actual mid-point, it’s way more common for gas stations to eek a few extra pennies out of the mid-grade. My Acura MDX recommended 91 , so I always mixed 2/3 87 and 1/3 93.
Now you’re talking my language. We need that thing to fight off the russian/north korean subs that apparently used an EMP weapon to disable the Dali and cause the accident. At least that is what MAGA TikTok is telling me happened.
Oh I know, I was just making the point that I went to the link and the crane there looked pretty mundane for “the biggest crane on the east coast”. But if we jazzed it up with some missiles and attack helicopters maybe I could get behind it....
I like this idea a lot.
Agreed, you are going to be right:
Having experienced my first eclipse back in 2017, I can say the experience is nothing like “nighttime”. I’m going to drive 6 hrs to do it again this year.
Agreed. I have a personal one that I made for myself, it’s closer to two pages.
Yes, I’m sure you are right, it is about cost.
Come on, that is such a bad take.
Third - it is unclear to me why the port authorities would not require escorting tug boats until through the bridge and around Fort Carroll.
I’m glad I clarified that I was in the US. You are correct, it is mandatory for Canadian flights. Not something we do in the US.