
Yes, I think this is a fair take as well.  I’m slightly shocked that we got 8 sane replies to my comment that were all more grounded in logic than the original article’s premise.  Gives me hope for humanity.

“What might help in situations like this is workers coming together to support one another through collective bargaining.”

I just wonder what the real demand for those routes would be? It’s less than a 4 hr drive between those pairs. If prices were anything like the Northeast Corridor for Amtrak, it’s generally cheaper to drive if you have 2+ people. $60-90 per person, 1 way. And I do not think you have very good local mass transit in any

Billy is just the fall guy (dog). We can all recognize the work of the Chupacabra.

I haven’t watched fox news in quite some time.   Did Laura Ingraham have a stroke?  Or does she intentionally botox her face into immobility and just went a bit heavy on her right side?

It’s all about increasing the surface area of the fuel exposed to the air (oxygen) when the spark/heat occurs. A tank of gasoline takes some real work to catch fire, but spread it out over the ground, or even better spray it in the air, and it is easy to catch fire. (Same as a car engine, it’s a tiny amount of

As someone who did buy two Panameras , I’m ashamed to admit the reasons why I bought the regular version instead of the sport turismo boiled down to :

Correct. I’m not as familiar with airborne ones (vs. the ones that were on my submarine when I served), but basically the IRS will drift over time (errors accumulate) and you reset it to an actual GPS position periodically. On a sub we could only reset it when we were at periscope depth, so it was manual, but I could

1) Anything that prevents me from properly using the windshield cleaner squeegee when I want it - missing squeegee, lack of fluid , lack of paper towels.

Agreed. It’s easy writing, that’s why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. I would have been much more interested in a story that explained how much of this construction is permanent vs. temporary. Will they have to pave the roads each year? Or will the new paving hold up to standards for many years? (I’ll tell you

Just adding this to warn everyone that they do the same thing on a late return.   Avis Budget , I returned a 3 week rwntal a day late (screwed up that my Labor Day weekend was Monday, not Sunday). $898 rwntal turned into a $5485 rental.   

He started as a rapper, tried to dis Eminem, and got humiliated so badly by Eminem that he switched genres to rock music.  

A good checklist is under appreciated in our society.   I’m saving this, just in case I lose my mind and buy a boat.  

Your both right , in a way. There are different driving modes for the Rivian , and they change the throttle position mappings. Within the most aggressive ‘sport’ mode , they changed the throttle mappings to make the initial throttle position ramp a bit less aggressive.  Not to overcomplicate it, but there is both a

I’m hoping the definitions of this section applies and that there is no weasel out for commercial trucks...

No DWI test was performed on the cop.

Assets make you a juicy target, unfortunately. But at least the more you have, the more relatively affordable decent insurance becomes. Massively better coverage is not massively more expensive.

So they basically built a small, road going diesel electric locomotive with a battery for hybrid operation. Nice.

This is the correct answer. Diesel electric drivetrains are common off-highway, trains, ships. In those engines you have to change the load on the engine as power demand fluctuates.

You are forced to buy car insurance to protect others, not yourself. There are states where you do not have to buy insurance-but then you need proof of financial responsibility. So if you have an extra $100k luring around to pay for your liability in an accident, go ahead. 90%+ of people in those states still pay