... and when you do recline, do it slowly, give the person behind you a bit of warning - don’t just slam your seat back and smash the laptop of the person behind you.
Agreed. My corollaries would be:
btw I love how it is 2023 and it is still random how many copies of an image Kinja is going to show for the comments you illustrate....
I’m curious about the collision engine. As children, my brother and I used to build LEGO cars, and then smash them together in a head to head collision to see whose build could survive better.
What other car harnesses 11,000 hp to accelerate in a straight line from 0-330 mph in 4 seconds?
What other car harnesses 11,000 hp to accelerate in a straight line from 0-330 mph in 4 seconds?
I didn’t see your comment before I repeated most of your points. You’ve got this exactly right. I’d add to your list of benefits:
Experian has a free service now called Credit Boost that lets you use things like utilities, streaming services and rent to boost your score, it’s worth taking a peek.
Basically, yes, your score will go down if you are inactive.
If you have an ounce of self-control, you should always be paying for stuff with a credit card (in the US). You get rewards , you get insurance on your purchases, you get dispute protection, you get repaid if it gets stolen. The only reason not to use a credit card are:
Ugh, these articles... There are two separate reasons why credit scores matter in auto insurance:
Your logic is sound, I can see how it would be a deal breaker. The Rivian is ultimately going to be my wife’s daily driver. She’s never had CarPlay and I’m pretty sure she has never even connected her phone via bluetooth to a vehicle, so luckily she will not notice that CarPlay is missing.
They: “How do you like your new Rivian R1S?”
As someone else commented, it’s partly a matter of scale and partly a matter of shape. The Ferrari you picture is a 1:8 model, the Ford GT is 1:12.
Agreed, I just couldn’t think of great examples from the Jaguar or Volvo periods in replying.
So that $6.50 number only applies if you have a EZ Pass from NY. If you have an EZ Pass from another state or no EZ Pass, you are paying the “Toll by Mail” rate , which is $10.17 for the Verrazano bridge. But still, alot of the total is going to be the fines, not the actual toll.
This! My TikTok algo seems to have locked into police action videos and almost invariably there are 3+ cops shouting orders that are often contradictory and at best unclear.