

Exactly. And Americans wonder how people overseas can get radicalized to hate the US to the point they would want to commit terrorism, when we have these Qanon nut jobs openly recruiting here. Sadly those people overseas often have a real grievance caused by some interference by the US , whereas Qanon has Russian

Again, it’s complicated and we do not really have the facts. Suppose the transit agreement presents a contractual obligation for a ship of the size of Ever Given to be escorted by two tugs for the duration of the transit as has been reported.

Hindsight is always 20/20.  I agree the captain and the ship have ultimate responsibility for the decision to go through, that’s a weak argument.  If true, their argument of “you were supposed to provide two tug boats for the duration of the passage through the canal and you did not” might be a stronger one.  

Just last week the Ismailia Economic Court heard recordings of the Ever Given crew arguing with Suez Canal Authority pilots over whether the ship could make it through or not.

Read my comment carefully. I said 20MPH below the prevailing speed, not 20 MPH below the speed limit. If you are all driving in a convoy at the safe speed for conditions - you are the prevailing speed. Putting your flashers on in this context might ‘feel’ good, but does nothing for other drivers except create

I guess I’m okay with this. The inappropriate use of the flashers (as described) is a useful warning that you are dealing with a bad driver and to give them a wide birth.

I don’t see how flashing the lights makes you visible further away. All you accomplish is confusing people who know what flashers are meant to be used for.  (for your original use case where you are just driving along)

you are right, my bill lists “Agency: Port Authority of New York & New Jersey”

Apparently the NY plan I signed up for has a $1 per month service fee. It’s particularly annoying because they mail me a physical statement each month to notify me of the fee.

I forgot about that part in my rant, you’re right. Toll-by-plate by mail is entirely an inefficient solution.

Eh, I’m not convinced, I find the toll-by-plate systems BS. Now I’ve got to have an EZ-PASS account for PA, NY, and MA to drive from Philly to Boston and not get jerked on the tolls. And the NY one is BS, they charge a monthly maintenance fee on it. And the NY one won’t let me register all my cars on one account, so

So you get my respect and appreciation for posting the screenshots. I’ve tried, I just can’t see it. I do see the hood flex when the passenger side front wheel punches up the body panel.

You can absolutely watch the whole car flex when it hits.

You can absolutely watch the whole car flex when it hits.

Agreed, I didn’t say it wasn’t totaled, I just wonder if the frame was bent or if all suspension was completely destroyed and took a bunch of panels with it.  The car is done.

The car is bent. The door made contact with the rear quarter. It being a convertible thats the only way that could happen.

thanks for the link. I’m not sure if that is really evidence of frame damage or not. The car only hit on the sprung wheels. Yes, the wheels clearly travelled further than the normal suspension limits (that’s why the front fender is cracked and I think it also explains why the rear fender to door is now misaligned).

I’m assuming they mean back and forth rocking, not the up-down type of vibration.

This. They had one job and screwed it up royally. This is not some sort of subtle crack they missed. Missing this crack is pure negligence.