
The Chinese don't need to be interested in hybrids or electrics, all they need is the government to require that they buy them.

It looks like someone bought a Merak and went nuts with their Pep Boys credit card.

Glass is not opaque to IR light. Stand in front of a window on a sunny day.

Driving Forza makes you a safer road driver? Because on real roads, you need to hit the right braking points and apex?

I'm pretty sure the IR LED problem is that most windshields have plastic layers that reflect off infrared light, to keep the car cooler in sunlight.

I like the read window spoiler, which directs air away from the rear hood spoiler. Honestly, nothing surprises me about the stupidity of import tuner wanna-bes.

Why do people listen to Bob Lutz? He's been in charge of some utter disasters at GM.

Tesla lost money on their Roadsters, and we don't know if they are actually making money on the Model S.

This "garage" does nothing to dispel the stereotype that Ferrari owners are Douchebags. Ranks second to the "I can buy your whole family" video on YouTube from the Ferrari driver who parks in handicap spots because "it's a Ferrari". Personally, I'd drive it, not just look at it or encourage others to look at it behind

This article is really callous. You peppered it with some fake sentiment for this disaster, but it is inappropriate.

Oh, so that's where they sold those FFugly FFs.

oh God, Jacques Villeneuve's "Private Paradise", or our public hell. It's just sad to see a Champ car, Indy 500 and F1 world Champion end up like that.

LOL NASCAR. Ironically, someone at the NRA500 blew his own brains out with a gun. But, rednecks don't get irony.

Dunno, whatever dash cams they are using in Russia seem to work well. I'd like to see dash -cammers (it's a word) be able to send files to law enforcement to get the really dangerous drivers off the roads.

Ferrari should take notes on how to make a shooting break from Jaguar, but those will never sell in the US and be dismissed as "station wagons".

That Spark looks ridiculous. I thought the Ricer culture died in the late 2000s. I especially like the wing that does nothing but add drag and weight.

Ford needs to be careful in China. The Chinese are not Americans, they do not go into massive debt to buy cars to pose in. All the growth numbers in China are being interpreted as infinite, but there will be a plateau at some point. Again and again, market "experts" are just guys who extrapolate graphs.

We must be living in a different Toronto. Canadians are great at denial and putting off the inevitable, but the average debt load in Toronto area is the highest in the world, and the highest ever in history. The region is hemorrhaging manufacturing jobs (we don't even make hockey sticks), and the real estate market

Rotarys are awful sounding. Drivers who raced the Mazda Lemans cars had neurological issues from the vibration frequency, and I'm glad those engines are gone from racing.

The reason why this car is so pretty is that this was designed just before major regulations can into effect world wide on headlights, bumpers, safety, etc. The design had little/no influence from aerodynamics either.