
I was wondering if I had just outgrown it or if the product was somehow different. I don’t really care to examine it that closely, but I went from a 10-year season-ticket holder to almost completely disinterested over the past six or seven years. I watched about five minutes of the game last night and it did nothing

My growing disinterest had been staved off the past few years by NFL Redzone. The regional games I was made to watch because of B.S. on Sundays and the inevitable blowouts and/shitty games on Mondays and Thursday just wore me down. But now I find myself even switching away from Redzone and they almost only show the

Well, at least she’s not made up.

Funniest part is at the combine, they measured at the identical same height.

In a few weeks we’ll find out Kostek is actually 40 cans of Bud Light in a wig.

That’s where the similarities stopped.

It’s hard to overstate just how badly I want Mariota to thrive and Winston to bust. The 30 for 30 on the Bucs’ decision would just be so glorious.

I don’t get it. That was worse than anything I’ve seen in the NFL in a while. Especially with pacmans history, I would expect them to come down hard.

Taxpayers pay to have themselves advertised to. What a deal!

“Well, this is thoroughly depressing.”

Well they have to pay for it somehow.

I bet the White Sox cut him because he took two pitches.

And that’s why the Bengals are the rare sports team that never wins anything and is still incredibly disliked.

Yellow 50-yard field numbers: dumb thing or dumbest thing?

Sad news indeed. I had this on the wall of my rom when I was 12:

This was the last shot of Moses’s career:

No, unfortunately I didn’t get to see the reaction on his gay baby face. I was in college and couldn’t make it home then. But I did make sure my mom kept him from throwing it away.

Please tell me there was an award ceremony.

Xanax always makes me buy crazy shit, not alcohol.