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+1 for using the picture of him while he was going through his "getting shot in the chest" phase.

How does it happen that he can't find underwear that he doesn't have to pick out of his ass before every point?

All great points. Nadal gets credit for Federer showing up on Nadal's specialty surface during Federer's peak, and Federer gets no credit for the ones where Nadal didn't make it.

Even though Federer peaked a little later than most tennis players and has continued to play at a high level, their prime years never really

Yeah, that is a woman with a killer stomach.

If you're picturing a dude while looking at that, you probably need to reevaluate some things in your life.

There was a brief period where both players were near their zenith where we had some great matches. Outside of those, there has been little intrigue. Generally speaking, I think great tennis rivalries need to have both players at their peaks at the same time. I would argue that we never saw that....and only for a

It beats a handful of lotion any day.

Never trust a chipper in the woods.

Even if this is meant as a joke, I almost agree. Considering all that's happened with him, I am amazed he can even walk.

It's an impressive block, but is anyone surprised to see Oden succeed Asgardian?

The proverbial Benjamin Button theory remains applicable. Give him another 10 years, and he'll resemble Nate Robinson.

For going 6 days and still not self-destructing, they should already give him Comeback Player of the Year.

Sad ending though, she was never claimed and now is the property of Mormon Enterprises, LLC.

I can't even make a joke about this, it is just too adorable.

RE: fumbles, of all the stupid things the NFL has seen fit to legislate into oblivion, is it too much to ask that the league crack down on the practice of every player, coach, water boy, mascot and on-call sex worker in the stadium piling onto a fumble?

The play is over as soon as one guy gets the ball and is down.

My answer to the teleport question: Shark Bay in western Australia. It combines the appeal of something cool that exists nowhere else with being so remote that without a teleporter you will never, ever go there.

Caller: First time long time. I just wanna say cats are way better.

"Why not just give them the extra point, automatically, without having to do anything extra that might hurt anybody?"

-Your president Barack Hussein Obama, while wearing his ancestral relaxing dashiki, in between drafting a Put Americans Out of Work Bill and having another foreign "cigarette"

That man has cargo pants on with a sport coat.