
Mauer still has HOF numbers even with his short career.  9th most WAR of any catcher.

This was actually a good bit.

It’s homophobic because he makes no effort to apply the same logic to any straight person. I’m sure there are tons of straight politicians who have had a thousand different kinds of adolescences, and none of them (excluding the criminal ones) are having their character and competence attacked for it. Nobody is

Why the fuck does kinja let people have a different display name from their username...which can only be distinguished by clicking through to their profile?

Peak “both sides” argument. Extreme liberals are overly fussy, extreme conservatives are white supremacists and terrorists.  Why can’t they meet in the middle?!

GOP has no values, so they will adjust their platform to whatever is necessary to get 51% of the vote. Progressives have the hard job, as they always want to “progress,” which means constantly trying to convince people to change, even if it’s not widely popular yet. This is why GOP will never “die out”, they’ll always

There are a lot of dumb, red-assed Bretts in the world. I’d wager Bretts are worse than Chads.

I recall reading that when prisoners ask for a big fancy last meal, they give them the closest approximation they can make in the prison cafeteria.  So yeah...I’d stick with something easy, like fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

Yeah, but why is East St. Louis represented there? I guess maybe that police force was there too?

She had more money than him going into final jeopardy.  You need someone to do math for you to tell you that A > B?

You need to look at their $ totals going into final jeopardy again.

I also see what looks like the Illinois state flag 3rd. Not sure why that’s present. But it looks like an inaccurate flag.

You can’t “pick a direction and walk” in heavily forested wilderness, you’ll go in circles. Unless you have a compass, or a river to follow.

Phil Jackson mentioned that one thing that made Michael better than Kobe was MJ’s hands being so much bigger, which let him do stuff like this.

But you are.

No, you aren’t understanding.  Horizontal bars, not slashes, and the orientation matters.

The issue is that the problem mixes two types of notation. The kind you learn in elementary school uses “÷” and “x” symbols, and in that case Fox is correct that multiplication and division are done at the same time, in order from left-to-right.

I didn’t realize until today that Tim Lincecum has 2 no-hitters...and he got them both after he’d been a below-replacement level pitcher for several years.

Yeah, but I mean...the same foul disparity that kinda-screwed them in the final seconds, was the same foul disparity that gave them a few extra free-throws to even be within 1 point at the end. No foul disparity, and maybe they’re not even in that position in the first place.

I didn’t watch with volume, but it wasn’t as disturbing to me as a number of other sports injury videos.  Didn’t look as bad as seeing a guy’s knee explode.