
Hey cool man, glad you made this story about you, and your noble eschewing of internet fame.

You’ve made up something that doesn’t exist.

The path of the flight in the record setting video makes me realize how many great paper airplanes I might have made that seemed like they sucked, because I didn’t have a huge hanger to throw them in, and they hit the ceiling.

The salad tower abusers would be taking less, but everyone else would be taking more.

But then you’d also have to charge more. If Pizza Hut limits it to 1-plate, they can charge a cheap price.

This doesn’t warm the water first. I’d prefer not to have ice water shooting up my ass for 5 months of the year.

This doesn’t warm the water first. I’d prefer not to have ice water shooting up my ass for 5 months of the year.

I’m an educated person, but I probably assumed Costa Rica was an island until my mid-20's. However, if I’d actually travelled there, I’d damn well have known it wasn’t.

The most Christian thing a Christian school can do is immediately dismantle its fraternity system and axe all its big money sports.

I assumed abortion.

It’s nice to think you’re not racist because you’re friendly with black people and appreciate them, but that still misses the point that you’re implicit in a system and culture in which they face racism every day, and that $450 doesn’t cancel out all the votes you’ve made (assuming they vote Republican based on the

All-Star games in all pro leagues should have the teams compete in a different sport from the one they play. Say, NBA all-stars playing soccer.

If one of those guys did speak out, they’d just be labeled as “no true Scotsman.”

I would think there’s still room in the mobile market. There’s dozens of mobile browsers and all of them have at least a few flaws I really hate. Mobile Chrome is terrible, in my opinion. I don’t like mobile Firefox either, though.

We can gradually progress on most social issues, but I feel like abortion is that one where a large percentage of people will never be swayed from feeling that it’s baby murder. Which at least is a view point I can empathize with (even though I support super-permissive abortion laws). It’s possible to fight

Uh okay, but there’s plenty of movies with much more untolerable amounts of human deaths. Schindler’s List, for just one example.

(a) very small slices of science are essentially settled.

Who cares.

Two reasons:

As a warning that you should ensure the ref is looking your way before throwing it, I suppose.

Hillary made a lot of money from speeches; her supposed conflict of interest in that regard wouldn’t be a conflict at all because the best way for her to make more money making speeches post-presidency would be to be the best and most well-liked president possible. And I guarantee she would have put all her